He paused and said, one year ago today I lost my job. Silence. Wow. Yeah. He would remember that day, the day we weren't sure we'd be able to continue our adoption process, the day full of unknowns, the day his wife burst into tears, the day we fell to our knees asking our Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance on what to do next.
All of that emotion one day yet complete peace by the next day. We both knew God would guide our steps, we knew He would provide for our every need, we knew He hadn't called us to adopt only to be hung out to dry. When I think back on that month of uncertainty I am still thankful for what God took us through and how much we grew in that trial. His faithfulness shown brighter then I'd ever noticed, He felt closer then ever, His ways were not our ways but through that lay off He provided for our every need and then some, it was through that trial that we were able to fund the remainder of our adoption. Thank you Father for trials in our lives.
As we reflected on the past year it was a good reminder of where we've been, what we've learned, and how thankful we are for Gods faithfulness to us through the good and the not so good.

See, I knew that someday you'd have a great testimony about 'when David lost his job'. :D
WOW! I can't believe it's been a year and what an amazing year it has been. A lot of growth too.
Awesome! And welcome home, I loved the pictures from Oregon and your hair looks wonderful! I love it!!!
Something like this happened to us recently. Not a job loss but significant enough to make us question a bit. It's neat to see how God takes care of all the details. Thanks for sharing this.
I remember that day...I remember that phone call. I love, love, love it when the Lord allows us to see Him move. It was so exciting to know He had a great plan and even greater to watch in unfold!
I so agree with ange! Its amazing how God uses the lowest times to for grow up times. How amazing, and then along came the spit ball silas. I just believe its already been a year..how fast time flies. When are you coming back?!?! :D
GREAT REMINDER!!! God has a plan we just need to trust!
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