Wednesday we spent with Davids oldest brother George and his family. We headed up to
Silver Creek Falls all ten kids in tow with the idea we were going to hike. A leisure picnic, small boy sliding down the muddy hill on his hiney, kids nearly falling in the creek, and we hadn't even begun our hike!
The kids had a blast going in and out of the caves and rock formations as we hiked up to the falls. Sweet baby Henry and some other great kid faces.
Kyra babe!
Well now isn't that one good looking kid?!
I loved watching my nephews face while his dad put his sweater on.
And when mom came to the rescue the look was priceless.
Perfectly peaceful.
Faithy Baby.
Remember the small boy and the sliding? Man to man talk needed.
Isn't this just gorgeous?! Love it.
Anika & Olivia these cousins are best buddies, it was so sweet seeing them together.
All the cousins. Can you find my hubby making sure wee ones didn't fall? This is the sad part about living 20 hours from family. The kids miss each other and it makes us sad that they don't get to see each other as often as we'd like.
The long road back.
We hit up the playground before heading home. My nephew Georgie allowed me a photo.
We met sweet baby Henry for the first time. I love him. He's sweet and even though he's ignoring his uncle and the camera he really does love us.
Auntie Masha really does have the COOLEST things! She bought Skyler his own balloon making kit, he was in heaven. We had family dinner at Davids parents - it was great to hang out with the whole gang! Thanks mom!
A trip to the Nazaroff Farm. Davids grandparents own a 15 acre farm out of town, beings Dzeda isn't in the best of health we went to see him and check out the apples.
Silas loved picking his apples and eating them two at a time.
Because I'm the artsy one.
I love this picture. Baboonya loved watching all the kids run around on the property.
I'm sure my husband will love that I posted this.
All of our kids with Dres-Dzeda and Dres-Baboonya (Great Grampa and Gramma for those not versed in Russian) ;)
Thursday we went up to the military training camp where Mr. Pittman works. He set up the rock wall and zip line for all of us. It was so fun! Perfect weather, perfect company, some crazy daring kids, loved it. Thanks David! Nichol and Silas ready to climb!
Silas has no fear - he was ready to go again as soon as he came down.
Look at that climbing maniac!
Skyler is pretty much a pro. He was made for climbing!
Ready to go again!
Little Liv waited for her turn.
Even daddy did it!
Way to go babe!
Nothing like a healthy challenge between brother and sister. Uh yeah Skyler is a force to reckon with.
Oh yeah, even mama got in on the action! So fun!
Yes,I did make it to the top! Thank you very much!
Then the zip line. Can you see that tiny boy on the telephone pole? Yes, that would be our baby boy. He was SO excited to climb up that pole.
Go Silas Go!
Isn't he the cutest little rock climbin' zip liner you ever saw?! Seriously.
Mom and Dad went too.
So did Liv. Daddy waiting in the background to un hook her. The rest of the kids went too but of course that was when mom didn't have her camera nearby.
Pretty much, fun. Yeah.
Wow! Looks like loads of fun! It's so green too (that would be because of all that rain you talked about).
Good climbing there Erica (you are still so young and agile)
Oooh Fun!
Oh Erica, I love all the pictures but I'm totally floored at the stuff Silas can do - that's really, really, really amazing! I couldn't see him at first on the pole and when I ever did, oh my gosh! Seriously, I'm floored!
OK, that's strange, my TV just turned itself on! Gotta go! xo Lor
Totally looks FUN! You guys were busy--I thought you were kidding! You took some fab pictures--of course! :)
It looks like you had so much fun! I think Jeff and I should take the kids to those falls before the weather turns....
I loved all the pictures, the one of Silas with his "gear" on is adorable!
Wow, never have I seen so many pictures on one post. Nice Job!
wow, great adventure, from the pics. u guys must have had to been real watchful with so many little kids outdoors, lol
Just AWESOME!!!!
Fun! And I love the long sleeved t-shirts... way to get out of the AZ heat! :)
How beautiful... Love the rock climbing or wall climbing and can't believe Silas did it - watch out.
Looks like you guys have fun!!!
It's so pretty out there!!
All 4 Christ Coral!
(Andrea's Daughter)
Great photos! Looks fun :)
Wow! Silas is a little climber...totally impressed!!!
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