My sweet friend Sarah kept our babies so we could get some time away, all alone. My amazing husband borrowed our friends convertible Mustang and off we went to Sedona. A night at an amazing hotel with an amazing view, fireplace, peace and quiet, late dinner, a walk under the stars, and just spending time together was exactly what we needed!
David and I both share a passion for photography, we haven't had time to just experiment with our cameras without kids so we capitalized on the opportunity. I love seeing what David see's at the exact same spot I'm at with a completely different "eye". We had a great time, hiked up in the rocks, drove all over with the top down feeling the wind in our faces, truly a weekend to remember. Here's some pictures from our trip.

And when we returned, the kids were thrilled to have us back, Mr Silas did great, Sarah made all kinds of fun things with the babies, and I can honestly say I didn't worry about them a bit. I knew they were in great hands. Olivia told us she didn't want us to go away again cause she missed us too much. Thank you for watching them Sarah!! (Evan, thank you for sharing your mommy) ;)
Sound like a fun time to me. I love Sedona. However we are on the East coast now so it looks a little bit diferent. But we love it here as well. Fall in New England is a heaven for photographers!
oh, that sounds wonderful!!! i love the picture he took of you looking down into the car - so cool!
That looks like such fun. We love trips like that in our convertible. :)
I am so glad you had a great time and were able to spend time doing some photography.
What a blessed friend.
How fun! I love Sedona too, its just so beautiful and peaceful. I love the pic of the yellow flower! Amazing!
I as well love the picture in the car looking down at you.
Ouch...looks like you got a sunburn on your shoulders?
Glad you were able to get away! What a blessed friend you have in Sarah, I am so sorry that she's leaving!! :(
Tommy and I haven't been out since Jaxxon was born---
What a man! It looks wonderful, great pics! You look a tad red Momma from that AZ heat!! Yikes!
Awww, Evan says your welcome. :) I was my pleasure, we had loads of fun. The pics are cool too! Niiiiiice!
beautiful trip what a gift - - but the main reason for my post is, a little birdie told me that SOME ONE IS 30 TODAY!!!! -
Happy Birthday Erica - God bless you sweet lady - yes you are now a lady! - hope to see you at the Purity CCOnference
What a great thing to do. When Mommy and Daddy are happy.....then the "babies" are happy.
Great pictures! It looks so warm and lovely. I'm thinking about turning on the heater. No joke, it's freezing here. Hopefully by the time you guys come it will be nice!!!!
How wonderful to have some time together.Didn't you just feel like a commercial in the stang??
FUN! Love Sedona! Glad you two got to get away for some alone time! The pictures are gorgeous.
I love Sedona...I don't think I have been there in 8 years....I need to go again BEAUTIFUL!
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