I wanted to post a follow up to yesterdays post.
Don't you think that if we're going to adopt we also need to be advocating for those left behind, those who will never be adopted, and supporting ministries that keep kids in families? It is crucial to building a healthy society in the countries our children come from to build into families. To empower, encourage, and help ministries that are doing just this. Not just in Addis or the main cities but also in the outlying areas. One of my children is from a village far outside the city only accessible on foot or by quad. These rural areas are in desperate need of resources.
That doesn't mean we all need to move to Africa and live in a mud hut. Some will and I support that 100%. Heck, someday as God leads we will but that's not my point. There are sustainable GOOD ministries already in place that we can support from right where we sit.
I wanted to share a bit about a few ministries that we love and support in various ways. These are ministries that are run by trusted friends we've met and rubbed shoulders with over the years. Most of these ministries I've seen for myself, I've gotten my hands dirty working beside the precious men and women they seek to serve and empower.
Embracing Hope - From their website: Our mission is to
partner with God, individuals and the local church in ministering with
the poor, orphans and vulnerable children (and their families) of
Ethiopia using compassionate, holistic practices that promote
sustainability, transformation, community, and Christian discipleship
which invades all areas of life for this and future generations.
I've seen first hand the work that God is doing in and through the Shannons. They have a powerful ministry that is both sustainable, reproducible, and grass roots. I love that. Each and every thing they do is carefully thought out, it is executed by their amazing Ethiopian staff with love and dignity for every mother and child in their program. It is truly top notch!
Bring Love In: Levi and Jessie are precious friends who started a ministry that creates permanent families from orphans and widows in Ethiopia. How cool is that?!!? From their website: We work with local churches to find widows and mothers who’ve been
left to lead their households on their own. In a country like Ethiopia,
where resources are scarce, these women often find themselves on the
streets, with no way to provide for their families. We will train, and provide for, these women, so they can support
their own families and, in turn, open their homes to children who’ve
been left as orphans.
We will provide a first class private education to each of the children living in the Bring Love In homes. We will have a team of nurses and social workers on our staff who
will visit each home on a regular basis, ensuring the level of care –
both emotional and physical – remains high.
Our focus is on building future leaders, residing within their home
countries – leaders who will bring vision and direction to their
Because Every Mother Matters supports and establishes
Maternal Health Centers, child development centers and group homes for
mothers: by providing the funds and supplies needed to provide proper
and efficient healthcare to women. BEMM also provides transportation
and funds for women to be taken and treated to the nearest hospital for
healthcare emergencies. In 2010 we provided the funds needed to build a
holistic health center in the remote village of Bora through Doma
Connection. In 2011 we helped fund an HIV mommas home through Project
Hopeful. In June of this year we identified a community of 10,000 and
made a commitment to stock and supply their clinic to make it fully
operational by October.
Compassion Family International: In their own words:
Our vision is to develop a new generation of responsible youth who will bring transformation to their families and
communities by living compassionate and Godly lives, passionately sharing Jesus Christ with those around them.
To help children, youth and their families to come to Christ and
to grow in their faith as we meet their spiritual and physical needs.
We are forever changed by our adoption experiences. We're so grateful. I don't ever want to go back to my complacent life, I don't want to look at my "things" here and forget the faces without anything left behind in Africa. I can do more. I will do more. We all can. God calls us to serve the LEAST OF THESE, the ones no one wants to be around, the ones no one wants to adopt, the ones no one will sit by and listen to. Those are the people Jesus calls us to serve. To defend. To love. I have to ask myself if that's what I'm doing. Is that what I'm willing to do? Sadly, not always.
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