Thursday, April 12, 2012

15 Years Since I Do.

15 years ago today I married my best friend.  We've grown up together, fought together, laughed together, cried together, and fallen deeper in love as the years have passed.  Neither of us is the same person the other married.  I think that's normal and healthy.  Babe you know me better then you know myself, you make me a better person and I'm thankful for you.

Life hasn't always been easy but with Christ at the center we've always found joy even in the cruddy.  I honestly don't know how people survive without Jesus.  

from I Corinthians 13

 You've loved me in my hardest of times, in the down right ugly, you encourage me, challenge me, and let me be me.  I look forward to growing old with you babe.  I love you.


Grizzly Bear said...

Awww how sweet! ;)

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To a cute couple :)

Shauna said...

Funny thing is, is I remember the you in the top pic more than the latter. :) I love that we have known eachother so long. Happy Anniversary. J and I celebrate 14 this year!

Unknown said...

You all are stinkin' adorable, just saying. :) Happy anniversary...we aren't far behind you it seems.