Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Long Time Coming.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

As I was reflecting on the last year I'll be honest, its been a tough one for us. Tough but good. Very very good. All those details are for another day another blog. Today I am grateful. Every day I am grateful but today I want to really reflect on that gratitude and think about what it REALLY means to be grateful every. single. day.

I don't often behave like I'm grateful. Even in the icky I want to have a heart of gratitude. Ann Voskamp has challenged me in a beautiful way through her book 1000 gifts. I'm grateful for the convicting challenge.

Today God has seen fit to give a visual reminder of His perfect timing. His perfection, His design, and His perfect love. Today, later this evening we will gather with friends at the airport to welcome home these three below.

Jon and Melissa started the adoption process just a few weeks after we did and TODAY they will be reunited as a family of seven. Its been a long journey. Tonight is monumental. Tonight closes a chapter that started with four families embarking on an adventure within months of each other. Four children, three of whom are home and little Caleb finishing it out. Four families, fundraising, tears, joy, laughter, and now the rest of our lives intertwined with four precious babes. Four stories that we get to be apart of God writing. Four little lives that God saw fit to place in four families. I know I can speak for each one of us by simply saying we are grateful and TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Amen and Amen.

This precious face will be HOME forever later tonight. The thought of Melissa finally being able to tuck all FIVE of her babies into bed tonight makes me weep. Glory to our great King!
I can't wait to post a picture of all four of us mamas and all four of our babies in our arms. Only a story God could write.


Carla said...

God writes really amazing stories!

We Are Family said...


Anonymous said...

What an amazing way to spend Thanksgiving!! Cant wait to see the pictures!

Eric and Allyson said...

I love this post and saw the pic of you and sweet Caleb on fb. I thought how fun that one of your best buddies and my best buddy were together in ethiopia...survived all the challenges (Kati even adding a few at the end:), we prayed with them every step of this and we get to finally welcome them home... You tonight! It just warms my heart and makes me greatly THANKFUL to our great GOD!

Sharla said...

Now THAT is something to be thankful for!