Today we have a unique opportunity. Little Caleb Maser is waiting for his Mommy and Daddy in Ethiopia. They have been waiting for their court date and were just given one TODAY.
All of this has happened pretty quick and in just 16 days Jon and Melissa will board a plane to Ethiopia. Meet their son and tell a judge that they want to be his parents forever and always. They are waiting to be approved for a grant but that hasn't come through yet so a few of us are rallying to raise just the bare minimum to get them to Addis. Yes, I'm talking bare bones people. This family just needs to get there, say yes, come home and work their tails off to raise the rest to go back and bring Caleb home forever.
Here's where we as the body of Christ come in. We get to be apart of something so much bigger then ourselves. We get to rally behind a family. We get to be apart of a story and we get to help unite a family with their little boy. Caleb Maser is about to be an orphan no more. Lets get this done so Jon and Melissa can leave without having to worry about funds.
In celebration and an effort to raise the funds for this first trip we're offering a chance for your very own iPad!

Here's how it works. I've set up a helping others paypal donate button on my blog. You can donate there.
Donate $10 for a chance.
Donate $25 for three chances.
Buy a shirt or necklace from me and I'll give you a chance too.
After you've done one of these above you can do one or all of these below for another an additional chance.
1. Repost on your blog or facebook.
2. Donate directly to the Masers adoption fund through their blog in any amount for another chance.
The fine print disclaimer. In order for this FUNdraiser to happen we must raise at least $550 for it to be ON! If we do not we'll refund everyone and there will be no giveaway. We will announce when we hit that point and once we do the giveaway will end 5 days later. This is NOT a r-a-f-f-l-e, please do not mention that it is. This IS helping to bring a child into his forever family!
All of this has happened pretty quick and in just 16 days Jon and Melissa will board a plane to Ethiopia. Meet their son and tell a judge that they want to be his parents forever and always. They are waiting to be approved for a grant but that hasn't come through yet so a few of us are rallying to raise just the bare minimum to get them to Addis. Yes, I'm talking bare bones people. This family just needs to get there, say yes, come home and work their tails off to raise the rest to go back and bring Caleb home forever.
Here's where we as the body of Christ come in. We get to be apart of something so much bigger then ourselves. We get to rally behind a family. We get to be apart of a story and we get to help unite a family with their little boy. Caleb Maser is about to be an orphan no more. Lets get this done so Jon and Melissa can leave without having to worry about funds.
In celebration and an effort to raise the funds for this first trip we're offering a chance for your very own iPad!

Here's how it works. I've set up a helping others paypal donate button on my blog. You can donate there.
Donate $10 for a chance.
Donate $25 for three chances.
Buy a shirt or necklace from me and I'll give you a chance too.
After you've done one of these above you can do one or all of these below for another an additional chance.
1. Repost on your blog or facebook.
2. Donate directly to the Masers adoption fund through their blog in any amount for another chance.
The fine print disclaimer. In order for this FUNdraiser to happen we must raise at least $550 for it to be ON! If we do not we'll refund everyone and there will be no giveaway. We will announce when we hit that point and once we do the giveaway will end 5 days later. This is NOT a r-a-f-f-l-e, please do not mention that it is. This IS helping to bring a child into his forever family!
This is friendship! :)
Love what you are doing. Heading over there now to make a donation. And, I have one of your tees in the red color and wear it all the time -- I just love it.
Praying everything they stand in need of will be provided! Just made a small donation and hope many others can do the same. "All things are possible with God".
I donated. Wish I could have donated more!
Just found your blog through Love's!
I love getting to be a small part of a sweet child coming home...and the chance to win an iPad? Well, that's just a fun bonus!!
Blessings to y'all!
just posted it on my blog!!! woohoo!
Under no circumstances should my money be refunded. It's a gift. I don't need an IPad. I pray everything goes smoothly. It's fun to rally around the body of Christ!
We want Caleb home! Y'all are incredible! We donated & reposted on our blog {}
Thanks for all you do for others!
Just donated and reposted it on Facebook too!
Even if you don't get the required amount, please don't refund my money! Give it to them! It's not much, but many "littles" add up to be MUCH!!! Praying God blesses this family!!!
found you via lovelyn's blog. praying for you son, caleb to come home soon! i'm thankful that even a small amount like $10 can help in this journey of yours!
i reposted on facebook and praying for God to move mountains for your family!
I just made my $10 donation. I also do not want the money back. I pray they receive all the necessary funds. Lani/Travis
I am so blessed to help out in this way. I plan to post on FB as well. Blog is still in the "infancy" stage and will post there if I can get it up and going. The Masers have a treasured friend in you.
One currently adoptive family to another...made a donation directly to the Maser's adoption fund!
Hey, I also reposted on FB and purchased 2 Ordinary Hero shirts under their name! Not sure if that counts, but I've wanted to buy a shirt for me and my husband for awhile. Now it benefits someone!
I donated directly to the Maser's fundraiser on their blog as well.
I donated, led here by Lovelyn. I have a Caleb too. I hope this family gets to bring theirs home soon.
I donated. So happy to help, even just a little bit. So beautiful of you to put this together.
Also posted to Facebook!
I donated $10 and I hope we are all able to fill in the gaps and get this boy to his family! Blessed to help! Going to share about it on my blog now.
I donated and feel honored to be the tiniest part of something so huge and magnificent...thank you for allowing us this opportunity!
Erica! love you!
We donated directly to Rach's paypal and then again to Lifesong. Not sure how ya'll are keeping track of donations. <3
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