Zahraism's are frequent around here. Some of my favorite memories are of the first few days Silas was home. This time is no different. Precious memories.
Zahra is learning new things daily. She's picking up new words and coming up with little games to play. She loves doing "school" with the kids, she absolutely knows how to say "No Silas" and "No" to just about anything she doesn't like. She fully understands the meaning of the word and uses it appropriately.
Watching things through my new daughters eyes is such a joy. It makes me see things like the bathroom hand dryers in a whole new way. Watching her shriek as the automatic air blowers go on. Seeing her laugh so hard she can hardly stand. Introducing her to the ocean for the first time, watching as she wiggled her toes in the sand, seeing her run to the tiny waves only to stop short to grab my hand as she tip toed in.
Zahra loves just about any type of food. Not a fan of mango juice we learned that in country. However the avocado part of an esprice she loves. David made those here at home today and she drank the avocado no problem.
Zahra has a collection of "babies" that rotate. Today she gave them all a bath with her sippy cup. Her favorite hands down is her AG bitty twin. She also has a special place for the entire Strawberry Shortcake collection Olivia has been saving for her. She always wants me to smell them. :) She is such a good little mommy to all of them.
In Zahra land there should be no naps, we should play and swim all day. She would eat potato salad and cheeze-its every day. She's a big fan of oatmeal but doesn't share the love for cold cereal.
Little Miss loves the ocean and every time we drive by it she says "Talique OoHa Fish Mommy"! (translated = Big Water Fish Mommy) that's the very first thing she said when she saw the ocean and repeats it each and every time we see it.

We take water wherever we go. Zahra can down an 8 oz sippy cup in no time flat. Its her thing. She has to have it with her. Always. That and her little container of cheeze-its.
Our little gal is a total girlie girl. She loves dresses, nail polish, having her hair fixed, big bows, and lotion. She tells me often she wants her hair long, we might have to do extensions again. She wants her ears pierced and already has the girls telling her it will hurt.
She has the sweetest little voice - sitting in the DC airport she broke out in song, singing about Jesus and worshiping him arms raised high. I missed the first part but got the end. David had walked to get some water and heard her down the hall. He video taped from the other side but she caught him. Its precious.
Zahra is learning new things daily. She's picking up new words and coming up with little games to play. She loves doing "school" with the kids, she absolutely knows how to say "No Silas" and "No" to just about anything she doesn't like. She fully understands the meaning of the word and uses it appropriately.
Watching things through my new daughters eyes is such a joy. It makes me see things like the bathroom hand dryers in a whole new way. Watching her shriek as the automatic air blowers go on. Seeing her laugh so hard she can hardly stand. Introducing her to the ocean for the first time, watching as she wiggled her toes in the sand, seeing her run to the tiny waves only to stop short to grab my hand as she tip toed in.
Zahra loves just about any type of food. Not a fan of mango juice we learned that in country. However the avocado part of an esprice she loves. David made those here at home today and she drank the avocado no problem.
Zahra has a collection of "babies" that rotate. Today she gave them all a bath with her sippy cup. Her favorite hands down is her AG bitty twin. She also has a special place for the entire Strawberry Shortcake collection Olivia has been saving for her. She always wants me to smell them. :) She is such a good little mommy to all of them.
In Zahra land there should be no naps, we should play and swim all day. She would eat potato salad and cheeze-its every day. She's a big fan of oatmeal but doesn't share the love for cold cereal.
Little Miss loves the ocean and every time we drive by it she says "Talique OoHa Fish Mommy"! (translated = Big Water Fish Mommy) that's the very first thing she said when she saw the ocean and repeats it each and every time we see it.

We take water wherever we go. Zahra can down an 8 oz sippy cup in no time flat. Its her thing. She has to have it with her. Always. That and her little container of cheeze-its.
Our little gal is a total girlie girl. She loves dresses, nail polish, having her hair fixed, big bows, and lotion. She tells me often she wants her hair long, we might have to do extensions again. She wants her ears pierced and already has the girls telling her it will hurt.
She has the sweetest little voice - sitting in the DC airport she broke out in song, singing about Jesus and worshiping him arms raised high. I missed the first part but got the end. David had walked to get some water and heard her down the hall. He video taped from the other side but she caught him. Its precious.
LOVE her sweet voice! Thanks for sharing such precious memories!
LOVED reading this. Zahra sounds beyond precious! You are blessed!
Oh, she is just so PRECIOUS! Love her cute little voice!! Adorable!
Oh, she is just so PRECIOUS! Love her cute little voice!! Adorable!
I love Zahra!!! and I'm sure some Zahraisms will be incorporated into our everyday usage before too long!! : )
That little video is so precious!! What a sweet thing she is!
She is so precious!!
So adorable!
Just precious!! What a blessing! Only one more week of waiting for us!!
This is SO precious...and one day she will cherish it too =)
Oh, my. That video is SO precious!!! Love her little voice. :)
Sooooooo precious!!
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