I'm a bit out of the loop! I've been busy with a small little lady adjusting to a new country, a new language, and a new family. These things take time. We're soaking in every incredible moment. So many of you have been a part of our story and we're so so grateful. I want to keep up with you too! I haven't had time to read every blog and I know I've missed SO much. Can you help keep me up to speed? How are YOU!? Where are you in the process? How can I pray for you? I know some have gotten referrals while we were away and some of you are home with your babies. Some of you have gotten devastating and life changing news yet you are trusting in the Lord for His perfect timing, His perfect plan for your lives. I know others will be traveling soon either to pick up babies or go on mission trips. I want to hear all about it! Tell me whats going on with you in the comments and I'll do my best to pop over to your blogs and catch up as well. This is a new season for our family yet we want to be apart of what God is doing in your lives as well.
I know a blog post always needs pictures - so here's a couple.
Our family on Easter

I'm just glad you are HOME! Giving God the glory!
Many Blessings!
LOVE all the pictures!
So great to see you home and hear things are going well. I can sum up our month in 2 words: still waiting. But it has been so good and God is teaching me so many lessons during this time. Thanks for asking.
We got our CIS Approval letter TODAY! We are days away from being put on the official wait list! Also, my husband John is getting baptized next Sunday! God is SO good! Praise Him!!
Hi, Erica! I'm sort of new to following your blog. In fact, I think I just caught the part of your adoption where you went to pick Zahra up! We just began our adoption from Ethiopia in January. I filled out our immigration paperwork incorrectly, so it was sent back. Made changes. Sent them back. You know how it goes-two steps forward, a step back! :) Lord willing, we are adopting siblings! Thanks for praying!
Love the picutres!! They are cute!
Erica, it has been so inspiring reading updates on your journey. We're now on the "waiting list" and have been for about a month now. I think this is the hardest part so far. Thank you for sharing pictures and thank you for sharing your story, I thank God for giving us the desire to adopt. God bless you and your beautiful family. I'm just starting my blog so it's a little scary right now.. ha
Jason got a job interview with a Christian Organization in Tampa :) for Thursday!!!! So excited!!!
Still praying our tax return money comes soon so we can buy a house closer to the area :) That's about it for us.
PRAYING for your family as you transition!!! LOVE that Easter photo. Just so happy you are all together finally!!!
hey friend. i don't have an 'adoption update' but i do want to say that that last pic of the girlies should be in a magazine!! amazing! (may i please have a copy?) xoxo
Leaving Sunday to finally bring home our sweet babes. Thanks for your help!!
We are still waiting...hit the four month mark this weekend. While you were gone we did broaden our preference. We initially requested siblings, but have opened that up to include one child, either gender, aged 0-3. Praying for our phone call to come soon!! :) Thanks for keeping us updated on your journey. Zahra is so beautiful!
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