Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Milestone.

On April 7th while we were in Ethiopia there was a monumental day here in the states. April 7th marked the day that Silas had officially been in our home longer then he'd not.

He's known what it means to be in a family longer then he hasn't. He's known the love of a mommy and daddy longer then he hasn't. He's known that we're here day or night if he gets scared longer then he hasn't. He's known that mommy kisses boo-boo's longer then he hasn't. He's known that daddy throws him high in the air and catches him. Every time. He's known that we love him to the moon and back. He knows that we're his biggest cheerleaders, his biggest fans, he's got a posse also known as his family should he need anything.

He knows the love of a family and that's what matters. He's known that longer then he hasn't and he knows that we are his people. He's proud of his heritage, who he is and he's proud of his family. We're proud of him! Proud to call him son. Proud to call him brother.
This little video is still one of our favorites. Fresh off the plane, confused, and unsure of who these strange people are.....something he recognized. A phone.

Since we've been home with Zahra we've realized even more how much Silas has changed and matured in the last three years. He's taking his role as big brother quite seriously these days. We love you Silas!


Pixie's mom said...

Okay, THAT...was HILARIOUS! I got the "AYLLO?" (Hello) But, you have GOT to get that translated! And, did you take your bio-kids to pick Silas up?!

Mama Mimi said...

HUGE milestone!!! And I bet it feels so good!!!

Kelly said...

Great video!! I love how he was holding the phone with his shoulder..so cute!!

Becky said...

One of my all time favorite video clips!

Janet said...

Amen! Love the video... gives me a chuckle every time. : )

Christy said...

I was wondering during your airport travels if you had any interesting videos with Z in them this time. ;) I watched that one with Silas awhile back and it is SOOOO cute! He is getting so handsome and looking like such a young man these days!

To God be the Glory! said...

So funny and he is the same to this day!! Great kid!