Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A New Look & A Winner!

I've been wanting to redo my blog for a long time. I'm picky so I always feel bad for whoever has to deal with me. When I talked to Becky she said she's dealt with lots of picky and being a perfectionist herself she gets it. She's been fabulous to work with. There's still a little dust settling and a few tweaks to be made but I love love love what she's done! THANK YOU Becky! If you're in need of a blog redo go check out Becky's work, all the proceeds go to a great cause! :)

I know that's not really why you're reading - you REALLY want to know who won the quilt. This quilt has brought in $870!! THANK YOU to each and every one of you that participated in this! We're so incredibly blessed and I know Sarah is too. She had a secret goal that the quilt would raise $500. You went above and beyond in that! We are so blessed!


Yes, I'm a bit late, my day got the best of me yesterday. :) I know you really just want to know who won this beautiful quilt.
We video taped it and you'll have to watch the short clip below to find out! :) Congratulations to the winner!!! :)


Anonymous said...

i dont see no video... ??? how do i watch it if i cant find it? :-) thanks!

Meyerdrk said...

Way to go Natalie...even though I am insanely jealous ;-). I'm soooooo glad it brought in over 800 smackers. The Lord funds what He favors. SEVENTEEN more days!!!!!!

Erica said...

LOL! Its there - it takes it a minute to load. :)

Rachel said...

Me too Connie!!! YEAAAAAA Natalie!!!

Skyler...didn't I tell you guys to pick my ticket?! Extra homework for you this week!

Sarah said...

Congrats!! What an Amazing thing!

Wife said...

Love the new look :)!!