This little man is SO excited about being a US Citizen. He was so proud the day we went to get his little passport sized pictures taken. He proudly announced to the lady taking his photo that this was for his citizenship.
Just 52 days after filing Silas is officially official and we have the paper to prove it! I was in shock that it was so quick, after being told it could take a year, 52 days was AWESOME!
Another BIG deal in our house today is that we have hit the half way mark in our 100 shirts campaign! Today we sold our 50th shirt! (THANK YOU LOVELYN!) 50 more and our first trip will be funded. Precious girl we are coming for you!!
Want more info on how you can help bring Zahra home? Read the posts at the links below.
This one is the most current and this one explains a little more about the shirt sale -
Just 52 days after filing Silas is officially official and we have the paper to prove it! I was in shock that it was so quick, after being told it could take a year, 52 days was AWESOME!

This one is the most current and this one explains a little more about the shirt sale -
YAY!! Congrats on your cute new US citizen and on being halfway!!
Awwww, he is SO adorable!!
Much love,
Future Mama
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