Based on some other blogs I read and this site here it looks like its time for you to reveal yourself in blog land. :)
So for fun - leave a comment below - I'd love to check out your blog as well and its fun to know who's reading.
I've even opened up the comments so you shouldn't have that crazy security check. Anyone else glad its Friday?! I am! We spent some time today at the park which was fun. Fresh air does a body good and some running around for the kids. Happy Friday!
Good friends. Good fun. A little chilly but still sunny!
These two bless my heart. So thankful for their sweet friendship.

So for fun - leave a comment below - I'd love to check out your blog as well and its fun to know who's reading.
I've even opened up the comments so you shouldn't have that crazy security check. Anyone else glad its Friday?! I am! We spent some time today at the park which was fun. Fresh air does a body good and some running around for the kids. Happy Friday!
Good friends. Good fun. A little chilly but still sunny!

Okay I am a LITTLE lurkey! =) So many blogs to little time! =) In all honesty though...I'm not totally thrilled its Friday. No referrals happen on a weekend...not to mention a HOLIDAY weekend!!! But....we'll just spend it on getting that nursery ready. Ugh...need all the time I can get in THAT aspect, I suppose. =) Happy Friday!
I am a lurker no more! Love following your family. We're doing a puzzle piece fundraiser too! Have a great weekend. :)
I love following your blog! Hope you have a great weekend with your family.
I am an old lurker! ;) Love reading all the updates about the Shubins!
i am still here!!!
love ya ♥♥♥
I think I may be a lurker. I follow so maybe that makes me exempt from lurkerdom?? Regardless, I am a CHI family too and have loved following your story :) Oh and I'm VERY happy its Friday, the snow continues to come down and we are ready for some sledding!
I'm still here :) supporting my travel agent ;). I really hope we don't have to call you at all in 27 days ;)
I am a follower!! I even ordered a hat for my sis in law and she LOVES it!!!
ps. I have a Silas too!!!
Have lurked for a while. Your post on raising a ransom for your child gave me the courage to write my support letter. Resulted in almost $20K of direct donations. We've been home for 6 months with our son. Look forward to seeing your daughter come home.
Love reading about your adoption journey! We are also CHI-Ethiopia family, getting ready to make our first trip in Feb.
HI Erica, Kryste here!
How's 31 going???
Love all the pics of your kids and the Walser kids. My daughter thinks that is so cool that Abby and Zahra be playmates. We're trying to recruit someone else to get us some Ethiopian playmates too!! :)
I read too many blogs to come out of lurkdom on all of them...but I love reading your blog and pray regularly for you and can't wait to see your girl come home.
Hey Erica! You know I love your blog. Can't wait to see your sweet girl's face!!
We were in the CHI China program. Not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad I did!
Girl, you know that I LOVE your blog!! Faithful follower!!
I read. But you knew that. LOL
Hi! I'm a bit of a lurker! My hubby and I are adopting from ET also and are working on some fundraisers. I'm doing an online auction Jan 29-Feb 5 on our blog...come on over and check it out if you have time!! :)
I love reading all the comments!!!! I'm going to visit all your blogs since I too have been really bad about commenting, I do read though. :)
I agree with Mama, Fridays mean no referrals, no court date news, nada!
Yeah for puzzle fund raisers! I really believe every adoptive family should have one! They are such a treasure!
Thank you all for your support, love and encouragement through this process. He is faithful!
Amy your testimony is incredible. Only God! Heading over to your blog to read too.
Kryste - 31 is going pretty well, I really don't do much with it except use it to help fund raise for other families. Its been a blast though! How bout you?
Jennifer - I'll totally check it out - do you need any donations?
I lurk, but you know I lurk, so I think that disqualifies me as a "lurker" :).
I am an adoptive mom (and have a daughter from Uganda), and have absolutely no idea how I came upon your blog. Probably one of those link from a link from a link from a link thing, the way things go in the adoption bloggy world. But however I came here, I like it and enjoy reading your posts! Thanks!
I've commented before, but just wanted to confess that I was a lurker for a while!! Love your blog and find it very encouraging! And, I plan to order one of those cute t-shirts! Can't wait to see your daughter come home!
Hi Erica! I have been "follwing" your blog for awhile:) I found it through another adoption blog:) we have 2 bio kids have adopted 2 domestically (AA babies) and are adopting a boy & girl, both 6-ish year olds from ET:) And I agree with commenter #1...I hate fridays & weekends means no referrals, no exciting news:)
Have not meant to be a lurker :) Think I joined. Love following your blog, found it via another blog. I am not blogging yet, plan on maybe in the summer getting something up and running when we start fundraising for adopting domestically. Praying for your fam and new little girl. I tried like crazy to load a pic but would not work so I have the lovely blue head. :)
I am a follower of your blog. My dear friend Stacy (Solomon's mom) led me to your blog when we decided to adopt Kaden. I love reading your blog!
hi I'm Ruth from New Zealand, delurking :o)
I both lurk and follow :-) But it is so fun reading about your journey. AND you're my travel agent :-)
Okay. . .delurking, it is! I found your blog from another one that I follow that mentioned your shirts. I loved the "Where you Live" shirts and purchased 2 for my husband and I (I'm actually wearing mine right now!) I've loved Africa since I was a little girl and had a desire to adopt from Africa for quite a while as well. I love following these adoption blogs to find out more about the process, the fundraising ideas, and to know that there are others out there that desire to love on those that are so often forgotten. While we will wait a few more years before we adopt, I love reading everyone's thoughts and adventures and look forward to the day when we experience the challenges and joys that each of you have! My blog:
We have followed and read through your blog.
Those are the 2 blogs we have.
Jeff & Marci Holley
I admit it. I'm a lurker!!! I love reading other ET adopting family's blogs, but am horrible on commenting!!! Thanks for helping us all come out into the light :-). ~Pam~
I have been following your blog for a while, since you were a guest blogger on another site (can't remember) and you wrote about fundraising!
Since then, we have been fundraising like mad!! Your heart for adoption and love for the fatherless, mixed with your example of fundraising and support, make for a wonderful blog to follow....or lurk! :)
I'm a sometimes lurker and distant semi-relative who checks in to find out how Amara's new cousin is coming along! :) Bless you guys!
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