I couldn't think of exactly how I feel right now but I think Teamwork, Unity, and Justice just about sums it up.
Today my brain was on over drive. One of my closest friends is in Africa, two days ago she and her husband met their daughter for the first time. I felt the nervousness, the anxiousness, the joy, and the emotion. Why? Because we've walked this adoption road with them from the beginning. It's been a complete honor and joy to do it. When one of our friends called and said "congratulations auntie" that kind of put everything in perspective. That's how I feel. Proud, honored, and filled with joy at what our King has done.
I remember when God moved us to Florida I begged him for two things. An established church and an established adoption community. Instead he called us to plug in with a church plant and there were NO Ethiopian adoptive families coming out of the wood work here in Tampa Bay.
Gods plan was different then mine. It was better because it was His plan. It was better because it was for the good of His people and all for His glory. God wanted to cultivate the heart of adoption for an entire church community. He wanted to fill the hearts of His people with a deep burden for the plight of the orphan, He asked us to advocate.
I wouldn't want to have had it any other way. I would have missed this. WE would have missed this. We have been so blessed to watch our great big God provide for precious Abby's adoption, we have watched our friends fund raise and fight for their daughter. We have been honored to stand beside them and fight too. Today they were told she was theirs. Today Abby Lynne went from orphan to daughter. Today the Walser family grew by one. Today there is one less orphan. I think the smiles on the faces below speak for themselves. To read more of their meeting go to their blog here.

Tonight we took the boys to celebrate their big brotherhood, to celebrate their sister, and to rejoice in what God has done. David made a toast to Abby, to her quick home coming, and prayed for the remaining details to fall into place. Then we ate. :)
The Big Brother Faces....

Silas wrote "AFriCA on his coloring paper and whispered that he can't wait for Abby to come home.
Thrilled for her friends.

The celebration of Abby becoming a Walser begins!

A toast to Abby. May you be safe and come home quickly!
Today was full of rejoicing but with rejoicing for me I always remember the ones that are still orphans. The ones that still need families. The ones that are still left. No I am not down playing the beauty of adoption, I think its a must but I also think we need to do more.
I read my friend Andreas Blog and my heart sank. The Thieles and our family goes back a few years, its a rather incredible only God could write it kind of story. This is us with the Thieles in Africa this past January.
Anyways - a friend of theirs moved to Africa this past Summer. Uganda to be exact. Tonya is a mama to five kids. One bio, one adopted, and three foster kids in Uganda. She stepped out in faith and has been living out that faith in a very real way in Uganda. Bottom line, she is in dire need of funds both to survive and to continue her ministry among the Karamajong people. I am asking that you please read the blog post Andrea wrote with excerpts from Tonya - it will challenge you, prayerfully move you, and at the very least urge you to cover my dear sister Tonya in prayer as she walks out being Jesus with skin on to these precious children.
A friend recently talked about this passage in Amos. I love love love what the Message version of the Bible says. I don't normally read the message version but lately its given me some incredible sections of scripture that I have seen in a whole new light. This is one of them.
Today my brain was on over drive. One of my closest friends is in Africa, two days ago she and her husband met their daughter for the first time. I felt the nervousness, the anxiousness, the joy, and the emotion. Why? Because we've walked this adoption road with them from the beginning. It's been a complete honor and joy to do it. When one of our friends called and said "congratulations auntie" that kind of put everything in perspective. That's how I feel. Proud, honored, and filled with joy at what our King has done.
I remember when God moved us to Florida I begged him for two things. An established church and an established adoption community. Instead he called us to plug in with a church plant and there were NO Ethiopian adoptive families coming out of the wood work here in Tampa Bay.
Gods plan was different then mine. It was better because it was His plan. It was better because it was for the good of His people and all for His glory. God wanted to cultivate the heart of adoption for an entire church community. He wanted to fill the hearts of His people with a deep burden for the plight of the orphan, He asked us to advocate.
I wouldn't want to have had it any other way. I would have missed this. WE would have missed this. We have been so blessed to watch our great big God provide for precious Abby's adoption, we have watched our friends fund raise and fight for their daughter. We have been honored to stand beside them and fight too. Today they were told she was theirs. Today Abby Lynne went from orphan to daughter. Today the Walser family grew by one. Today there is one less orphan. I think the smiles on the faces below speak for themselves. To read more of their meeting go to their blog here.

Tonight we took the boys to celebrate their big brotherhood, to celebrate their sister, and to rejoice in what God has done. David made a toast to Abby, to her quick home coming, and prayed for the remaining details to fall into place. Then we ate. :)
The Big Brother Faces....

The celebration of Abby becoming a Walser begins!

A toast to Abby. May you be safe and come home quickly!
Today was full of rejoicing but with rejoicing for me I always remember the ones that are still orphans. The ones that still need families. The ones that are still left. No I am not down playing the beauty of adoption, I think its a must but I also think we need to do more.
I read my friend Andreas Blog and my heart sank. The Thieles and our family goes back a few years, its a rather incredible only God could write it kind of story. This is us with the Thieles in Africa this past January.

A friend recently talked about this passage in Amos. I love love love what the Message version of the Bible says. I don't normally read the message version but lately its given me some incredible sections of scripture that I have seen in a whole new light. This is one of them.
I can't stand your religious meetings.
I'm fed up with your conferences and conventions.
I want nothing to do with your religion projects,
your pretentious slogans and goals.
I'm sick of your fund-raising schemes,
your public relations and image making.
I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.
When was the last time you sang to me?
Do you know what I want?
I want justice—oceans of it.
I want fairness—rivers of it.
I'm fed up with your conferences and conventions.
I want nothing to do with your religion projects,
your pretentious slogans and goals.
I'm sick of your fund-raising schemes,
your public relations and image making.
I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.
When was the last time you sang to me?
Do you know what I want?
I want justice—oceans of it.
I want fairness—rivers of it.
That's what I want. That's all I want.
Amos 5:24-26
God doesn't want just a little justice - he wants OCEANS of it! An outpouring, an abundance, and over flowing amount! That means WE must act. He wants NOTHING ELSE but justice and fairness.
This life is not our own, its not about us!
If you aren't called to adopt that's fine. You can do lots of other things to make a difference. Partner with Tonya in her ministry, support adoptive families, ask adoptive families how you can pray for them. Get involved.
The pictures of Abby being united with her family is a prime example of what a child feels like when they are wanted, cherished, and loved. We all have a responsibility.
What will you do to make a difference today?
Amos 5:24-26
God doesn't want just a little justice - he wants OCEANS of it! An outpouring, an abundance, and over flowing amount! That means WE must act. He wants NOTHING ELSE but justice and fairness.
This life is not our own, its not about us!
If you aren't called to adopt that's fine. You can do lots of other things to make a difference. Partner with Tonya in her ministry, support adoptive families, ask adoptive families how you can pray for them. Get involved.
The pictures of Abby being united with her family is a prime example of what a child feels like when they are wanted, cherished, and loved. We all have a responsibility.
What will you do to make a difference today?
Amen and Amen.
Abby is beautiful! Oh how I love adoption.
Praying for your friend in Uganda, that our Jehovah Jireh will be her provision. He is able!
mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted
I LOVE the picture of the Walsers! Congratulations!! :D
Off to think and pray on this post. Quite convicting after my complaining and grumbling that this stage is "hard". Thanks for the challenge and the TRUTH!!
Amen! beautiful heart felt post Erica. Truly an honor to serve along side all of you. Will be lifting your friend up in our prayers.
Awesome :)! I emailed you awhile back because we will be traveling soon, and I want you to help make our arrangements if possible, but didn't get a response at all. We've been submitted for court and should hear any day. Can you get in touch with me about this? Thanks :)!
Great post, Erica. You have a beautiful heart.
Ok thanks for making me cry. I'm a little slow catching up on my blog reading, but finally got here.
You are a gift to me.
I love you.
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