I'm in awe of what our God has done in just two short months. Two months ago today we were officially accepted back into the Ethiopia program with our agency. In just two months this is what God has done:
Provided over $4800 whether from our own finances, support from people like you, yard sales, T-shirt sales, etc! THAT is pretty amazing. Only God. May he receive ALL honor and glory!
Not only that we've been able to have our home study visits, all our background checks done and back, and our home study should be completed within a couple more weeks. Only God.
All of our references have graciously returned their letters of approval and recommendation on us as people, parents, etc. these are SO appreciated. I know they take time and effort to write, we are SO thankful for you!!
Our dossier paperwork is almost completed, I'm gearing up to send all of the out of state authentication papers so we can get those back and be ready to roll when our I-171H comes back. Watching as the Lord provides each step of the way is humbling and amazing.
THANK YOU for being apart of our story!
It is so amazing to watch as this journey unfolds!! It's an honor to be part of it!
Yay! I just ordered a T-shirt and I can't remember if I let you know I linked a post to my blog. Good luck with the rest of the sales.
praying for you guys each and every day! We love and miss you tons!!
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