Don't forget to enter the giveaway too! Everytime you post or blog about the it you can add an entry!

We're winding down on our pre-sale for the Simply Love T's! I'll be ordering first thing on Tuesday morning! The shirts will be here before Fathers Day and I will ship them out ASAP! The kids T's are just precious! I realized I hadn't ordered Silas one, he is so excited to get his!
Our original goal was to sell 100 shirts - we've sold about a 1/3 of that. So I'm thinking it'd be FABULOUS if we could sell 10 more this weekend or better yet 20 more and hit the 1/2 way mark! Will you join me? If we can do that we'll be over 1/3 of the way to our dossier fee! All of you have already had such a huge part in bringing our daughter home. I'm blown away by your generosity and love. Thank you. 

When your done buying your shirt don't forget to enter my giveaway to win ANOTHER shirt of your choice! That's right! Any shirt, any size, any style! Yours. Free. Find the instructions on how to participate here on:
Have a FABULOUS weekend everyone!!!
Hi! I just found your blog and would love to get my hubby on eof the "Man Up" t-shirts for father's day, as we are beginning the process to adopt from Ethiopia! I am confused though- it hat the front or the back?
If it's the back, is Africa on the front? I was just confused because when I went to order it didn't have anywhere to specify what I just said Men's...can you help me? He'd love it and we'd LOVE to help you!
Hi Mary - I tried emailing you and it gets kicked back. The back is the MAN UP part and the front does have africa and the red paint splashes - if you have any other questions email me here: Thank you so much for your support!
I'm so sorry about the email! I just tried to log in and realized the same thing. (It's the acct that was linked to an old blog. oops!)
Anyway, thanks, for answering so quickly. So I just order a "men's" and that's the right one?
He's sitting close, so I'll order it in the morning! Thanks again!
No problem! Do you have a blog? I'd love to follow along on your journey as well! It's great to "meet" you! :)
Oh and yes - just order the Mens Africa and the size off the drop down menu and you'll be good to go! :)
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