I stand in awe of an AMAZING God who planned far more then I could have ever dreamed or imagined. Isn't that always how it is? His ways are not our ways.
When we found out we had to move from our beloved Arizona all the way to the other side of the country we were devastated. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that now. I remember through tears my friend Tammy telling me that maybe God was moving us because someone in Florida needed to adopt from Ethiopia and God was going to use us to push them over that edge. I remember laughing at her and saying maybe. The pain in my heart was too deep to think much beyond my own sadness of leaving the life we'd built in Arizona. God had a plan and He knew I needed to be uncomfortable to be totally dependent on Him. He did just that.
We had no idea what God had in store for these few short weeks we've been here. I knew David had met a couple interested in International Adoption but that was about it. Its fairly obvious when we walk in just about anywhere as a family that we've adopted. If your not sure Silas doesn't allow you to wonder for long. He'll quickly tell you he was born in Ethiopia and that he was adopted. He's secure in who he is. He's a perfect little missionary. We love that.
Within a week or so David and I shared our passion for adoption, Ethiopia and the children who live there. Our pastor and his wife encouraged us to move forward with an adoption ministry in our new church. We were ECSTATIC! Having a church rooted in encouraging adoption is music to our ears! That ministry is getting under way, it has been amazing to watch the body of Christ unite together to make an incredible commitment to supporting others within the body who want to adopt. What an AWESOME blessing!! God calls us ALL to care for orphans and widows in some way. He is at work. We're humbled to watch HIM work.
To God be the glory!!
Meet Josh and Christy - I'm sure they'll be thrilled I posted this picture here. Its the only one I had on my laptop. :)

Joe and Rachel have precious precious kids. Our kids were struggling with the move and not having friends. Joe and Rachel's kids are right around the same ages as our kids!! With them adopting a little one 0-4 from Ethiopia....Silas will have a buddy now too! Check out their blog here as God works out every detail of their adoption. I encourage you to pray for these families, there is much yet to be done and follow along as their adoption stories unfold. God is SO SO good!
Proverbs 31:8-9 - Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
Praising the Lord w/ ya sister !!! two more families changed forever, two more orphans coming to their forever family, and two more seeds planted in Florida !!!
love ya
so exciting to see what God is doing in your life and how he is using you to encourage others...very cool!!
Thank you for "outing" us!!! Honored to be a part of your story as God weaves our lives together forever!! Love you, friend!
Look what happens when we realize everything in our life is for God's purpose. Instead of wallowing in your circumstances, you opened your eyes to see what God wanted to do through you.
This is so encouraging to me as a reminder to keep my focus on Him, and not on what I want.
LOVE IT! God is SO AWESOME. Isaiah 55:8-9 comes to my mind. This verse has been coming ALIVE in my own life.
Thats so awesome, and I'm so jealous! Yes you know it! I can't wait to read there blogs and hear about their journey! Love and hugs across the miles!
Erica, have you ever read The Tipping Point? If so, you are a connector like the kind the author describes! You sure do make things happen for people. It is impressive to watch you work. I am glad we got to know each other in Feb. Amanda
So beautiful to watch the Lord move...so beautiful! Yahoo...more babies coming home...so exciting!!
Hey girl, I tried to post a comment on Christy's blog but it's not working...I tried several times...grrr! Will you pass this on to her?
I found your blog through Erica...a very precious friend of mine whom I miss and am jealous that you get to see whenever you want ;)
Your story is beautiful and is the beginning of your precious child's birth story. I am excited to watch your journey and can't wait to see what the Lord has for your beautiful family. Just think, your peanut may already be born and waiting for you!!
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