Sunday, January 18, 2009


This is a test to see if we can post while in Ethiopia.  And putting pictures in the posts.


Sarah said...

Sooo....does this mean we can?? Just how exactly did you do that??

emily said...

Can't wait to read these while you are there!!

Unknown said...

WOW! That video is amazing - I'm going to post it on my blog too!

I can't wait to hear about your trip! Praying for you all!

Hugs and blessings - Godspeed!

Bethany Fegles Photography said...

I'm so excited for you and what lies ahead for you! God's doing so much in your life and it's WONDERFUL to read about, Erica! I'll keep you ladies in prayer this weekend as you head to Ethiopia! Can't wait to read the updates.
p.s. thank you for all of your encouraging blog comments!