Yes, I need a moment. My oldest daughter is 11. ELEVEN. When did that happen? I think yesterday on a visit to the mall when my ELEVEN year old daughter was shopping in the same store I shop sometimes was a little much for this mama. Seriously. Either I'm a little too teeny bopper or my kid is growing up. Either which way ya shake it I'm not sure how I feel about this. When did my baby grow up and how did I miss the memo? Thats how it feels and frankly I'm sad. When you think that in 5 short years she'll be DRIVING!! EEK! So maybe I need to find a new store, or I need to quit loving the destroyed denim that draws me into these stores or my child needs to stop growing up. I'll take the latter.
Because I'm sentimental like that and because I feel the need to preserve these moments. I found my solice in taking pictures of my sweet princess yesterday afternoon. Just her and I. I look at these and it reminds me how fast they grow up and how blessed I am to be her mom.
My sweet little girl who is growing up into a beautiful young lady.
Karen, Hello
2 years ago
gorgeous girl!
Hang in there, Mama!
This is so sweet. I'm pretty sentimental too. I get sad on my girls' birthdays and they are only 3 1/2 and 19 months! I'm going to be a wreck when they turn 11. :)
You have a beautiful daughter...
This is on the horizon for me...Oct. 2nd my oldest turns 11 too. I've been feeling it for the past few months already. wow. Let's just soak it in as much as we possibly can.
Awe... that is a good way to handle your sentimental heart.
Great shots!
Buuaaaahhhhhh!! That makes me cry! The little miss is growing up! (on a side note, think about all the things she can help you do by being able to drive :))
Maybe soon you will just be able to share clothes, then think of how much money you will save on clothing. Great pics of Nicol.
I hear ya! I get all sentimental about my kids getting older all the time, and its just getting worse! This October Tristan will be 12! How does this happen?!!
Happy birthday, Nicol! She is all the best parts of both of you. :)
I found your blog and it was great to see your family and their activities - you are truly blessed!
Gma pat
Thanks mom for some awesome pics of me I love you.
Your daughter
Right there with ya, sister. Avery and I can share shoes! This is such a tough age and I feel for the girls. But aren't they lucky that they have moms who know what "cool" is. J/K. Avery SO does not think that I know cool.
It stinks right? Hill turned 12 in June. 12- I'm way too young to have a 12 year old don't you think?
She is beautiful Erica!!
My oldest daughter is 12 and I have had very similar thoughts to yours. Someone please stop the time from just flying by.
She is a very beautiful young lady.
Yes, she is beautiful :) I'll pray for 5 VERY LONG YEARS....with lots of along the way!
Such sweet pictures! She is beautiful. I can't even imagine Micah being 5, much less 11 - it does go fast though huh?
Everyone tells us that when they're all babies and we think we are going crazy..."Oh, honey, enjoy it, it goes by so fast"...I heard that a million times on trying Sundays at church with 3 toddlers. Quite honestly, at the time, it just made me mad and I didn't believe it was going by (fast or any other way)! Now, I think I'm starting to believe it. I'm with 'ya here...sometimes they need to just stop growing up so fast! : ) Besides that, how did I become 30-ish, driving a minivan with 4 kids???????
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