I'm a bit of a photo hound, I had my camera out more then my family wishes this week. I just can't help it. Whats a mama to do with such cute little people around to photograph? Besides I knew our three month mark was coming up. I know you want to see how much Silas has changed! Here's the day we met him and some from a couple days ago. Can you believe the hair!?!
Its hard to believe that three months ago today we were on an airplane headed for Dulles International airport with our new son. Crazy how time flies and how life changes in such a short period of time. Today is not only my first mothers day with four GREAT kids but also the three month mark of when we were re-united as a family of six.
Sir Silas has brought so much to our family its as if he's always been here. This child is so full of life, watching the world go round through his eyes is truly amazing. Just yesterday he was helping me put the dishes away in the dishwasher, he said OO ma (his new term of endearment for me) look, AIRPLANE as he spinned the sprayer round and round. Never saw that as a plane before. Now, that's what I'll always think of when I open the dishwasher.
The bond between my sweet boys is something so much deeper then I ever thought possible at this point. The unconditional love that they have for each other is an amazing picture of the love Christ has for us. Skyler has prayed for a little brother for so many years, he tells us he's living his answered prayers. He absolutely loves having a little brother. So much more then I ever could have imagined. He has truly been an amazing teacher for Silas. I told David recently that watching Silas and Skyler's bond has been one of the biggest joys I've had as a mother.
Silas is learning so much, someone was commenting a few days ago about how much he understands and how much better his English has gotten. So the kids smart. What can I say?
Silas loves to help daddy with whatever outdoor projects he's currently working on. This last week was washing the trucks.
Our little man wants to do everything his daddy does. Recently that meant sitting on the chair just like daddy does. I love it! They had a man to man talk.
Today at church we are publicly dedicating Silas to the Lord. David and I are honored to be his parents, we are humbled to be entrusted with this sweet child. Thank you Heavenly Father.
**Edited to add these pictures. I love love love how Silas is so into the prayer. Its amazing how much this sweet boy "gets". I had talked to him about what we were doing earlier that morning. He went right to Pastor Todd and of course melted the hearts of the whole church as he gave Julie, the pastors wife "5" as we headed back to our seats.
I am truly blessed by each of my sweet children this mothers day.

Sweet Post Erica! I can't believe how much Silas has changed.... crazy what three months will do!
Our church has it set up that child dedications are done in housechurch, not in big church. Since we are the housechurch pastors it is kind of weird to dedicate our own son. I keep thinking we need to figure something out... I mean of course we have dedicated him to the Lord..we do so daily. But you know what I mean...I need to figure something out for a formal public dedication. :) Maybe with family or something.
How cute are your boys. Your dedication today was so sweet and Silas was as cute as ever. Silas you have changed everyones life you come in contact with. I love you kid.
Thos are great pics of all the kids! Man, it is amazing how much Silas has changed! Iam loving the poofy hair and the white tank top...I have big plans for Malak to have both of those things. :)
I love your posts and your pics!! Your kids are just too cute!! And that Silas-- what a fun character he is. What a joy! We had our Grace dedicated today as well. It was sweet.
I LOVE these pictures!!! LOVE THEM! I have a little mother's day gift for you on my blog. :0) Angel
I LOVE these pictures!!! LOVE THEM! I have a little mother's day gift for you on my blog. :0) Angel
Erica, you got me all weepy! Happy Mother's Day!
Happy day late Mother's Day ... We are both so blessed ... Isn't it amazing how such a short amount of time w/ our angels home and I can't even imagine life w/out them anymore ... your family is so beautiful and it is so special to see how the children bond to one another ... they love so deeply ... Silas is one amazing little boy ... have a great week ...
So much love in your home! It just fills my heart with joy. :)
I love this post Erica! So glad the boys are bonding so well.
I just want to say that I love all the photos you have of your family. They are great! It is wonderful to stay caught up with your family. God surely blesses!
Awesome photos!!! Happy (belated) Mother's Day!
All of those pictures are amazing. I love how their personalities shine through! Blessings!
Awww this post made me cry... I love the pictures, he really was into the prayer.
ok, so the funny thing about taking his picture while NOT praying, is that he would pose and smile for me, looking straight at the camera, waiting for me to say smile and say cheese. What a HAM! They turned out cute I'm glad!
Erica-You have a beautifully loving family that is no doubt a reflection of you! Happy Mother's Day-read it and loved it! And, the pictures of Silas' growth are fantastic! He has become quite the little man! Such expressions! Congratulations on his dedication. We will continue to keep him, and the rest of your family, in our prayers.
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