We live in a world filled with brokenness. Marriages falling apart, kids dabbling in things they shouldn't, families being ripped apart, divorce, kids being abused, parents not protecting their kids, etc. etc. This isn't just something that is isolated to "unbelievers", this is happening just as much in the Christian circles.
As Christians the bible asks that we work to live at peace with all men. Recently we've been discussing this in our house and what that looks like. Does it mean you subject yourself to controlling, one sided, unhealthy relationships? Do you work at something that is only desired by one side for the sake of peace? Is it possible for relationships to be restored when the pain and hurt is so deep?
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12:18
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12:18
As I've prayed and searched the word for answers to these questions I've come to a place of peace amidst confusion. I believe that Jesus can REDEEM even the ugliest of situations. He's done it time and time again in his word, he's been faithful in my own life to restore broken relationships and to not only heal them but take them to the next level of trust and depth. Being in a place of humility and brokenness is where the Lord meets us. In our ugliness, hurt, and pain our King reaches down and carries us. The redemption that only Jesus can do is amazing and beautiful.
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Eph 5:15-17
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Eph 5:15-17
As I gear up to take and amazing team of 13 women to Ethiopia I think of the kind of brokenness that we will walk beside. There is one things that I am ever reminded of when I walk the streets of Addis. These precious people demonstrate community, relationships, and gratitude. There is nothing more important to them then the people they fellowship with. Ethiopians pour out their time for others, they sit and drink coffee with their neighbors, they have ceremonies for guests and talk. Invest. They put great effort into their relationships. Even in extreme poverty they invest in one another. I want to be more like that.
I'm reminded that this world is not our home. We won't be here forever and life on this earth will come to an end. Broken relationships aren't worth hanging onto just to prove a point. Take the time to reach out and work on restoration within your power. Sometimes there is nothing more we can do but pray, even in that God can work. There are times where God says to wait, we can't control how other people respond. We can't control who has good relationships with who. Some relationships are toxic and time needs to pass before even attempting to work at anything. I'm learning that some relationships won't be whole this side of heaven, as painful as that might be. We can only control what we do, how we respond, and what relationships we do have. Invest in those.
I'm so grateful for the friendships and relationships I have. It truly is a gift.
I'm so grateful for the friendships and relationships I have. It truly is a gift.
I have struggled for what seems like forever (okay almost 3 years) with one friend from church. Thanks for the reminder that maybe all I can do now is pray. It hurts my heart, but I have done everything as God would have and now I just need to walk away from the wreckage.
ouch, it still hurts.
mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted
This is beautiful! Just this morning during my walk I was thinking about relationships and how hard they are - how frustrating it is when we give up on others or they give up on us so easily. It really makes my heart sad. Why can't we forgive? Why can't we push past our pride and move toward healing? Especially, Christians. Thanks for writing this! It came at a great time :)
Thank you for sharing this! Just this morning, as I was walking, I was burdened by why people give up so easily on each other - especially Christians. Why can't we forgive? Why can't we push our pride aside and restore relationships? This was a much needed post for me to read today! Have a blast in Ehiopia! I so wish I were going...I will be praying for you and all that God has in store for your team!
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