Sunday, December 11, 2011

10/11 Days of Christmas!

Crazy weekend and a total fail on 12 Days of Christmas deals!

I have THREE things to share with you today -

ONE is hand made hair flowers pictured below - aren't they cute?! Any one of them can be yours for just $7 shipped.

TWO is repurposed Ugandan bead earrings! Hand made by my daughter with all proceeds being donated to Skylers mission trip. Just $7 each pair!

Paypal information is on the right!

THREE is some AWESOME body butter from Kiara where all proceeds go towards their adoption expenses! Kiara has graciously offered to add in a tube of chapstick for anyone that orders and mentions my blog! Check out her blog here and order yours! I can't wait to get mine!!


Christy said...

I am trying to order two pairs of the earring but it will only let me add a cookie cutter to my cart. Help!
Thnaks Christy

Christy said...
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Erica said...

Try it now! :) Sorry about that!! :)