Thursday, October 6, 2011

She Calls Me Mama.

For every phase of the attachment/bonding process there are things you look for in your child just to confirm that he or she is progressing along in this process. There is no definitive timeline, much of it for us has just been intuition and referencing all that we've been taught through incredible teachers and books we've read. (Thank you Karen Purvis and many many others)

Lately there's been a switch in my sweet girl. I referenced some of that process here and here. Lately there's been something even more. A deeper connection to our family, a deeper connection to me as her Mommy and to David as her Daddy. This week she started calling me mama. Not mommy or mom or hey you. Just mama. Yes she still says mom or mommy and even every once in awhile I get "hey you". But, she calls me mama.

This may or may not be significant but if you heard her say it you'd know. It comes out in a different tone. It comes out when she's scared and wants to be held. It comes out when she's nervous and wants to know I'm here. It comes out when she needs a drink or I've just handed her a bowl of oatmeal. It comes out when she wants me to color with her or she wants to comb my hair. It comes out when she wants me to lay with her as she falls asleep and it comes out as she lifts her arms high to be picked up. It comes out as she grabs my leg when she's unsure of a situation and it comes out as she's running through the house being chased by her daddy or her big brothers.

Slowly, day by day, her security is increasing, slowly she's finding her place in our family. Slowly she's understanding the depth of our love for her and she will never. Ever. EVER be alone. She is ours and we are hers. Forever and always. Jesus is healing her heart and he's allowing us to be apart of that process. There is no greater joy. Even in the hard. Even in the sad. Even in the tiring. There is no other place I'd rather be.

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.

Psalms 68:5-6


Captain Murdock {} said...

This post made me smile :) It's the small steps that mean so much in this journey.

Leigh said...


Kim said...

This post has me in tears. God is so good.. he is working hard to heal her little heart.

Heidi Klopfenstein said...

I understand this so well. and loved reading how you put into words. precious.

Connie said...

And what a beautiful Mama you are! thankful to see the work of God in you and yours!

Unknown said...

Beautiful post my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! What an amazing journey with your sweet daughter and with our amazing God!

Janet said...

Beautifully written. Thanking Jesus for the work He's doing in her heart, and the work He's doing in your family. Thank you for sharing!

Love said...

driving through the streets of uganda with tears. i know this and it's beautiful. praise God!

Aimee- said...

That was beautiful Erica.