Saturday, August 27, 2011

24 Hours. Reckless Abandon. Cute Shirts!

I posted this a few days ago......we're close to winning an additional $500!! You can help!! Just be sure to choose Reckless Abandon 2012 in the affiliate box! A HUGE Thank you to those that have already purchased!!

We are SO excited to announce our return to Ethiopia in 2012! My husband is leading a missions trip back to the country we love so much. The trip is sponsored by our church (LifeBridge) and we have quite a few people that are planning on going.

While in Ethiopia the dudes will be hosting a leadership training for pastors/leaders in the area. The chicks will be doing a VBS style ministry with children in the area. We'll have a construction project of some sort, many of the details are still being ironed out but we trust that God will cover those details.

I can't wait to go back, I miss Africa like crazy and can't wait to see what God is going to do in and through this team.

With all of the excitement of this upcoming trip there are some very real needs financially and practically to make this happen. In order to help as many people as possible to go on this trip we've done several fund raisers as a whole. So far God has provided in huge ways, we've been blessed as a team to watch His provision. In keeping with that theme we've teamed up with Ordinary Hero to sell T-shirts and Gear! 40% of those sales go directly to our church Mission Fund! This weekend we have the unique opportunity to win an ADDITIONAL $500 grant towards our trip! (JUST IN we have until the 28th to sell the MOST gear!!)

How does it work?!

This weekend only (starting at Midnight Friday morning) there is a contest that awards a $500 grant to the top THREE sellers! Yes that means we could have additional $500 towards our mission fund! How cool is that?!?! Several members of the team have NEVER been to Ethiopia!! This is a great opportunity to not only get some AWESOME gear but also benefit our mission team!

Look at these SUPER CUTE SHIRTS!!!!

Here's the link to the OH store:

***Don't forget to select Reckless Abandon 2012 from the affiliate drop down menu***

I know they are launching a new fall line as well so look for an updated posts with my FAVORITE picks!! HAPPY SHOPPING!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you have the most fantastic time back in Africa. God bless you. Thank you for going and for making a difference : ) Beautiful in every way!