Zahra Reign Shubin
(she does have one more name but we're waiting until we're home to publicly share that.)
(she does have one more name but we're waiting until we're home to publicly share that.)

Amazingly awesome feeling. Two days after being court "approved" (still not sure why it was worded that way) we have our mowa letter and preparations are being made for our submission to embassy. We are keeping busy with friends here, ministries, and just enjoying one anothers company. We are hoping things are processed quickly and we can stay in country to complete the process and bring Zahra home.
Please continue to pray that things go smoothly and we are able to have everything processed quickly. THANK YOU!
For those that have asked, YES I'm still working. We have a little routine and I've been able to continue being a travel agent from here. A HUGE thank you to my clients for their patience and understanding. Email me if you have any questions, I have amazing stateside support! We are SO excited to get to meet some of you!
Please continue to pray that things go smoothly and we are able to have everything processed quickly. THANK YOU!
For those that have asked, YES I'm still working. We have a little routine and I've been able to continue being a travel agent from here. A HUGE thank you to my clients for their patience and understanding. Email me if you have any questions, I have amazing stateside support! We are SO excited to get to meet some of you!
Beautiful family picture! I'm so stinkin' happy for you guys :).
Congratulations - - she's BEAUTIFUL!!
She is just precious! So glad everything is going well and how great that you might can bring her home in one trip!
She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!
Oh, Erica...she is breathtaking!! So excited for your family. Praying all goes well and quickly so that you can get her home!
LOVE!!! I am dying to write a blog post, but I want waiting for air port pictures :) Can not wait til she is home where she belongs. Praying friend <3
Congrats!!! She is adorable!
Beautiful!!! Congrats!!!
Much love,
Future Mama
Oh Erica, she is absolutely beautiful!!! Praise God!!! So happy for ya'll!
Hooray! She is precious. Praying things go quickly and smoothly. :)
How amazing!!! God is so amazing!! Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!
So exciting! She is just beautiful! I hope the rest of the process goes smoothly for you!
What a sweet and precious girl!.......and she is YOURS FOREVER!!!! May your Embassy Date be very SOON!
Great photos!! I can't wait to here more!
She's gorgeious!! Congrats to the Shubins!
More please! How are things going? Pictures? Praying for you daily here! Hope to meet her this summer. :)
Amy Hayes
She is gorgeous! What a sweet blessing - praise God!!
Beautiful family picture. Congrats!
beautiful!!! what wonderful news. hoping you all will be home soon.
OH Erica I just checked up on your blog and I'm so, so excited that your family is together! Annie Y was telling me that you were there, so I had some idea that you and the hubby were soaking up time with Zahra :) Rejoicing with you all!! Congratulations!
Beautiful!! Congrats Shubins!
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