As we settle in for the long haul that is adoption there are some pretty harsh realities that we're facing. Adoption costs money. Money we don't have. Its funny how there were so many things David and I tossed around during the discussion phase of this adoption. NEVER was money one of the things we worried about. We have faith that God didn't call us to this just to keep us from being able to pay for it. HE already has it figured out. We just have to be patient. That's not my virtue. I'm a NOW kind of girl.
God and me are tight. I need him, He doesn't really need me. He thinks I have more patience to gain. He's right so I'm settling in to learn how to rest in HIS timing and wait well.
That said we aren't going to sit around and wait for $30,000 bucks to fall from the sky. No no we're not. God also gave us brains and we're going to be working like crazy to bring our daughter home. This is our labor of love. Its an honor to do it. Never have I been so blessed by friends and family as they have encouraged us and come along side us committing to our family, our daughter, and her adoption. It's truly amazing to watch God work.
Now for the practical side of things.
We're breaking up our fund raising into 3 phases. We'll need a total of about $26,000. Our goal is to have our dossier submitted by the end of July. We need about $8,000 for this first phase. Our first fundraiser will be selling leftover T's from our mission trip! I have a VERY limited supply and this will be a first come first serve basis. The blitz of left over Simply Love T's will start Monday April 5th!
We'll have three on going fundraisers until we are fully funded.
Just Love Coffee Roasters - We'll get $5 per bag purchased. I'm working on our updated link, I'll post it here shortly.
Our Church - http://lifebridgechurchpinellas.com has an established adoption ministry. You can send tax deductible donations to the church (just put a note in that it's for the I Choose You Shubin Adoption fund) This can be done anonymously (some have asked if that was possible) as well just be sure to note that you'd rather us not know and the office will honor that.
LifeBridge Church Adoption Fund
P.O. Box 520
Largo, FL 33779-0520
We will also have a paypal donate button on our blog for as long as needed, we will remove it when we are fully funded.There are other things we'll do in between all of these as well. Ultimately we're trusting in the Lords perfect timing and financing of this entire adoption. We rest in that. Thank you for your prayers!! God is good and HE is worthy of our praise.
Can't wait to see the mountains moved to bring her home! He is so good.
Yes, we need God for these emotional and trusting places!!! I think that is so cute about Silas
Okay, question...is the little girl that you pictured the one that you are going to adopt?? Or was she the one who inspired you???
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