Thank you all so much for your sweet supportive comments, words of encouragement and love shown as we shared our exciting family news. It's amazing to see the support as we start out on this journey again.
Please note that the first portion of this post was written back in 2009. Neither of the precious girls shown here are our daughter. The first babe with me is a sweet girlie we met in Ethiopia when we picked up Silas and she is the sweet face that God used to prick our hearts toward adoption again. The second precious one is our dear friends The Gurske's sweet babe they brought home last year.
I started a private blog last Summer when David and I had the long "will we adopt again" talk. One late August night out under the stars we knew the Lord was calling us to more. We shared little pieces of our hearts and when we put it all out there it was incredible to see what God was doing in each of us. To give some back bone to the whole story I'm posting the blog I wrote from that conversation.
August 3, 2009
Please note that the first portion of this post was written back in 2009. Neither of the precious girls shown here are our daughter. The first babe with me is a sweet girlie we met in Ethiopia when we picked up Silas and she is the sweet face that God used to prick our hearts toward adoption again. The second precious one is our dear friends The Gurske's sweet babe they brought home last year.
I started a private blog last Summer when David and I had the long "will we adopt again" talk. One late August night out under the stars we knew the Lord was calling us to more. We shared little pieces of our hearts and when we put it all out there it was incredible to see what God was doing in each of us. To give some back bone to the whole story I'm posting the blog I wrote from that conversation.
August 3, 2009
When God moved us to Florida I knew it was for more then just a job. I knew it. David knew it. Our friends knew it. Some even made suggestions on what God might have up His sleeve. In my heart I knew part of why. I had no idea it would germinate this quickly. God did. We've been here for a little over a month. Our pastor has embraced the start of an adoption ministry despite the fact that we are just a church plant. He believes adoption should be a foundational part of the church. We love that. We feel so blessed to be apart. In fact in the last month TWO families have sent in applications to adopt. From where? Ethiopia. God is at work in the hearts of His people.
I knew God was calling us to more. I knew He had a plan. In His timing. I was thrilled to be able to encourage these families in adoption, help with fund raising ideas, help get the adoption ministry started at LifeBridge, yet I still felt like we hadn't given enough. We hadn't been stretched enough. For months I've known we would adopt again. When we left to pick up Silas I was so sure we were done. When we visited Silas' orphanage and I held this little girl
I knew we weren't done. I knew then that God wasn't done with our family. I didn't say a word to David. I just looked at him. He knew then too. From that day on I've prayed for our future daughter. I prayed for her family. I prayed for her mother. I've prayed for our family, our children, my husbands heart. We were done building our family. Silas completed our perfect two boys and two girls puzzle.
God's not done building our family yet.
Yesterday evening while having a heart to heart about life, passions, family, orphans, pain, suffering, and the call to do more. David shared that a certain small girls precious little face had melted his heart, sending him over the edge. This little face.
We will be adopting again. This time a small daughter. We don't know when. We don't know how. We haven't even told the kids. We haven't told our family. Pretty sure they along with 1/2 our friends will think we are absolutely insane. We are. Insanely in love with Jesus and HIS plan for our family. We will continue to pray for HIS timing, HIS guidance, and HIS plan for our lives.
For now we are focused on our current task at hand, planning a mission trip to Ethiopia. Facilitating the opportunity for others to see the beautiful country of Ethiopia, minister to the people, and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to a people who so desperately need to hear. Prayerfully we will be applying to an adoption agency in early 2010.
That was nearly eight months ago. Three weeks ago after a great sermon on grace David asked me what we were waiting for. If we knew God had called us to adopt again it was time to get moving. Our lives are to be lived for HIS glory and honor so what were we waiting for?! Our daughter was waiting and it was time!
We were ready. There are many things you have to work through as a couple before you can embark on a journey like adoption. It is NOT for the faint of heart. I think the second time is easier and harder all at the same time. We know what we're in for. We know the sacrifice. We know the faith walk required. Yet we also feel an incredible peace and an excitement that's different yet the same. Truth is we don't have the funds to do this again. Yet that doesn't scare us. I know God doesn't call us to anything He doesn't plan on providing for. We rest in that.
The encouragement and love from the adoption community, our friends, our family, and our church its incredible. God is so good. Our precious girl is so loved already.
God sets the lonely in families.
Psalm 68:6
That was nearly eight months ago. Three weeks ago after a great sermon on grace David asked me what we were waiting for. If we knew God had called us to adopt again it was time to get moving. Our lives are to be lived for HIS glory and honor so what were we waiting for?! Our daughter was waiting and it was time!
We were ready. There are many things you have to work through as a couple before you can embark on a journey like adoption. It is NOT for the faint of heart. I think the second time is easier and harder all at the same time. We know what we're in for. We know the sacrifice. We know the faith walk required. Yet we also feel an incredible peace and an excitement that's different yet the same. Truth is we don't have the funds to do this again. Yet that doesn't scare us. I know God doesn't call us to anything He doesn't plan on providing for. We rest in that.
The encouragement and love from the adoption community, our friends, our family, and our church its incredible. God is so good. Our precious girl is so loved already.
God sets the lonely in families.
Psalm 68:6
I am so excited for your family! I have been reading your blog for some time now. I just wanted to let you know that God will provide for the things that He calls you to! We are adopting two from ET and we didnt start with any money and we still have none but He is making a way and what we need is always there. God is just so good to us. Yes, its hard and the second adoption is easier and harder in different ways but so very worth walking the faith walk for.I pray that God will go before you and make clear paths and I pray your trip to ET is abundantly blessed!
wonderful!! can't wait to see how God makes this story unfold!!
I am so happy for you. I will be praying for you journey.
As my friend Kimmie told me "God's will, His Bill.
He will provide for your family.
Congratulations. God's plans are always amazing! Can't wait to read more.
Beautiful. Got a little weepy in Panera from reading this...amazing to see God's process---He always blows me away with what He is able to accomplish ---WAY beyond our plans and expectations!!
I love baby Shubinina!!
Oh my your heart. I felt like you were talking right to me, as I feel like on a small scale, we're going thru the same thing. The Lord calls us to things- to do more and more. And it's scary stepping out, but man- thank you for your encouragement and sharing your heart. And THANK YOU for your comment-Audience of ONE...LOVE that!
In our world 5 is a nice round number ;-) We'll have 3 girls and 2 boys too. Congrats on beginning the journey once again! SOOOO exciting!
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