Wednesday, February 3, 2010


We're back. Barely. Only by the grace of God did we make it out of Detroit. Nichol was sick, she threw up just as we were boarding the plane and due to where we'd been the crew almost didn't let us come home for fear of what we may have and what we could expose the others on board to. God gave us an angel in the form of a flight attendant who fought for us to get home. After an EMS check out for Nichol and a 20 minute delay for the plane we made it. God is good. Thank you all for your prayers.

I'll write more on the trip soon and share what God is doing in Ethiopia and in our hearts. I miss Africa more now then I did before I left. Glory to HIS name! HE is worthy of our praise.


Sarah said...

OH my goodness!! Poor baby. I"m glad you guys are home safe! What a crazy trip home.

Unknown said...

Good grief...that's crazy! So glad you made it home...hoping Nichol is feeling better! Hugs!