Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Kiss From God.

I'm always in awe of God and his perfect timing. I shouldn't be surprised at HIS amazing perfection right? I know He builds our faith through waiting and wondering. He does that which will give HIM the most glory. Its HIM and has nothing to do with us. Humbled the He saw fit to let me be apart of the story HE is writing in the lives of the Thiele family and three precious kids from Ethiopia.

I blogged briefly about this incredible opportunity here on our mission trip blog. Those sweet Thiele kids. The ones I met in ethiopia and loved on for their family while they waited. The ones I hugged and cried with as they shared a little tiny peice of their hearts. The ones I desperately wanted to pack in my suitcase and take home to their forever family. Those kids. Those kids I sat with nearly a year ago. Those sweet sweet kids OFFICIALLY became Thieles today. Those sweet kids will be picked up by their parents in Addis Ababa. When you ask? Oh right. About the SAME TIME we are in country!!!! Yes. Yes. Yes. God saw fit to allow little old us to possibly be there at the same time. Only God.

Now that they have passed court I can share the pictures we took when we were there in January of this year.

Meskeram has the most beautiful smile!

Sweet Eyob is so full of life and oh so smart! His smile will light up a room!

Little Samuel wasn't there but the kids' amazing older brother was. His love for his siblings was so evident, he is selflessly giving these kids a chance for a family. God is SO SO good.

You should also go over and congratulate the SUPER excited parents and siblings! Check out the updated pictures of these precious babes!!


We love you!!!

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

God is soooooooooo good to have sent you to meet them! What a great thing! What a blessing you are Erica!
Love you!