I've been putting this post off for awhile. It somehow makes all of this more "real" if its on my blog. I think we've told all of our family and close friends now so I guess its okay to post this publicly. If we missed some special people we're so sorry. Life's been a little crazy.
We're moving.
Yep. Sunny AZ has been good to us and we've loved every minute of it. We have made some incredible friends that will be life long friendships. We have memories and relationships here that we'll treasure forever. We had hoped we'd be able to move back to the NW soon where all of our family and many friends are. However.....God has other plans for our little fam and decided we should take up residence in Tampa Bay Florida.
God and I had a chat a couple weeks ago, I asked Him if he REALLY wanted us there to please make it clear. David and I weren't convinced this move was best for our little family yet we know He knows far more then we do. We weren't going to pull a Jonah (although I sure would like to some days) but I was having a hard time with all of this. Everything happened super fast making the last two weeks incredibly difficult. The Lord met me where I was and assured me that yes, we were to go to Tampa Bay. Still convinced He might miraculously change our course He gave me another HUGE sign this past week and it leveled me. I completely surrender to His plan, His timing, His will even if it means moving across the country. This life is not my own. Jeremiah 10:23 - I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.
You'd think I'd have learned by now. Moving here to AZ when I didn't want to, adopting when we didn't have the money, so many thought we were completely nuts already having three kids, David losing his job mid adoption, going to Ethiopia for a second time without my husband, each and every time the Lord assured me He was with me and to just keep my eyes fixed on Him. He may not reveal His plan right out front but each time His plan has always been far better then we could ever dream of.
This is HUGE for us. We've always lived in Oregon, moved here to AZ just shy of five years ago and have never thought of ourselves living on the other side of the country. God is a great big God, worthy of all praise. Its humbling to be called to Florida, to be able to watch as the details are worked out to His perfection. His ways are perfect even if they aren't my ways or the doors I wanted opened. I know He has a plan and I wouldn't want to be anywhere but the center of His will. The Lord has stretched me more then I've ever been stretched, loved me through the ugly parts and its time again to be stretched out of my comfort zone yet again. My only prayer is that I serve Him faithfully and that I would be a vessel fit for His service.
The kids are struggling with this change and we pray for peace in their hearts as they struggle to say goodbye to their life here in AZ and HELLO to life in Florida! God is GOOD!
My blogging family has been a huge source of support, we are sad that we probably won't make the blog union as we had planned. There's still a small chance but only time will tell. :) If I'm a bit MIA at least you'll know why. Blogging is cheap therapy for me so hopefully I'll still find time. ;)
We covet your prayers as we wrap things up here in Arizona. We have a house to rent, school to finish, softball season to wrap up, a house to pack, two weddings, and a road trip in there before we make our way to Florida. Oh yeah, we also need a home in Florida. Details details.
Bummer on not coming to the blog union. :( But it sounds like the move is what God has planned for you which can only mean it's awesome! :) Good luck on the move girl!
Will be praying for you! Moving can take you out of your comfort zone but I have learned it only makes you grow, you get to make your "family" bigger by making great friends and brings you closer as a family!
FL here you come!!!
This is incrediably difficult for me to hear. However, I hope you know just how much I appreciate who you have been in my life. I know you may never understand that, but you have touched my life in a way I can't explain. I love you and your family so much. I will be praying fervently for everything. I love you all. Tell little Silas I said hey. God is doing something amazing in each one of your life's. Never forget he is always at work. God Bless you and your family Erica.
Much Love
Wow! All I can say is that His way is truly best...sometimes it takes a while to see...but it is ALWAYS better! I lived in Tampa Bay for a year. You will LOVE the weather. You will LOVE St. Petersburg beach. (Your kids will really love it) Clearwater, St. Pete, Siesta Key...these are all beautiful places that will be just a short drive for you. I pray for a smooth transition for you and your fam. It is always difficult moving, but Florida is not too shabby of a place to live. :0)
It does sound pretty official on here. I do know first hand, that the Lord has awesome plans even if they are completely different than our own plans.
I will be praying for you and the whole family as you prepare to move.
I am thankful that we can keep in touch via blogsville.
Your family will be greatly missed... more than you know. :(
Love you girl!!!!
I can't wait to hear of God's faithfulness to you during this next chapter of your lives. :)
Look out Florida--here they come!
Wow. So many thoughts. So many emotions. I will definitely be praying for you guys!
Oh man, it's real!! I was hoping you would be moving left but God is good and called you right, so like Him!!
I hope we can spend time together in OR before you land in sunny FL.
Love you and your sweet family tons!!
So sad to see your family move away! Will be praying for you and your family during this time!
We will miss you all!! *Tear tear* you have to come back someday! It's hard to think of not having you guys. :(
Praying for you all to have a smooth transition... and stay in touch!
You are such an encouragement to me. Thanks for the authenticity. I cant wait to see what He has for you in Florida!!
wait what? No blog union? Bum..
Always praying for your family friend. You have such a strong faith and you are right..."The Lord Knows What's best" He will lead you and your family. Hang tight girly....Loves from alll of us!
Oh, moving. What a stress. But I am so awed at your surrender to God's plan-again. Best of luck and I hope you find time to blog! We are hoping for a referral in July and my husband lost his job a few weeks ago. I have tried not to get panicky. Seeing that you guys made it through (and, more importantly, knowing that God has a plan)gives me hope! If anyone needs a good IT Project Manager-I know one! And we'll relocate, too! Ha!
We will be praying for you and the kids. You never want to see your kids struggling and sad with big changes they don't understand. I can't wait to see how God will use your family in Florida. Your faithfulness is such a wonderful example to me.
I did think for a "brief second" maybe we could move to Arizona and rent your house. My husband has always said he wants to move to AZ. :) You will continue to be in my thoughts as you prepare to take this next journey.
Wow, this is huge! We'll be praying for the whole fam and this big transition! God is good and faithful and I'm excited to see all that he's got in store for you in FL!
No B.U. for me either... wanna have a party of our own?? ;)
Well, I will miss you when I come back to visit. I will be praying! Keep us all updated on the housing situation... that's the worst practical part of moving: Finding a house.
Wow not sure what to say girl except our God is Good and His plans always ROCK!!! - I know my sis is sad she loves you much. I thank the Lord that He has faithfully given you some answers already. How good He is to comfort our slightly terrified hearts just when we need it. I can't wait to hear in a blog post that moment when you say " and this is why we are in Florida"
always remember to Keep chasing rightouesness!!!
I know I've told you already, but we are praying for your family and this move. I'm not good with change like that, so my thoughts are with you and your family.
Wow! When??? God Bless, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers Erica.
That's a big move!
I'm glad you've seem to come to peace with this move. I think it's exciting, yet big. I love moves. The bigger, the better. But, I'm a crazy military wife who's had to come to grips with this being a necessary aspect of my husband's career.
I wish you luck and I look forward to hearing stories about the Shubin clan's activities in Florida!
Too many feelings I can't find the words. I do know God is good and he has a purpose and I can't wait to hear what he is going to do with you in Tampa Bay. I will miss you. :(
Just found your site, splashin' around in God's goodness, getting a little wet and loving it. Thanks for sharing to encourage hearts around the world. We just started our adoption process (from Ethiopia) so I'll be back.
God moved us from AZ too (now we live on the mission field in the rain forest!
Besitos (little kisses),
Ahh..my friend, I am praying for you and trusting with you.
You will be missed but I trust that the Lord has already begun to prepare the way for you and your family.
We will have to work something out so that you will be here to see our sweet little children step foot in their forever home. You have been such a huge part of their lives, you must be here to wrap things up!
Love you friend.
Wow I have been so wrapped up in my new family addition that I've been totally out of the loop. I'll miss seeing you at church Erica. I pray that everything goes smoothly for you guys.
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