This day brings so many mixed emotions. As I cuddled with my boy yesterday and he told me how much he likes my bed. How much he likes my room. How much he likes my arm and cuddling me as he squeezed my neck. It hit me. His birth mom doesn't get this. We do. His birth mom doesn't get to celebrate his milestones with him, we do. His Grandmother doesn't get to hold him and hear him tell her how much he loves her. We do.
I'm completely humbled today. Humbled in a way only an adoptive parent would understand. God has blessed US with this little boy. My heart aches for what Silas' birth mom will never experience. What his grandmother will never experience. I'm humbled that God entrusted us with this little life. Silas' birth family loved him so much they were willing to give him up for a chance at life. A life they wouldn't be able to witness. That's love. While today is a HUGE celebration of life in our house there is a part of my heart that is hurting. Hurting for another family a half a world away. A heart that is so thankful for a little boy that completes our family. A little boy that has taught us so much in the short time he's been part of our family. A little boy we are all so head over heels in love with. Our little Silas boy.
Silas - your mama loves you. Your daddy loves you. Your siblings love you. Watching you grow and change over the past 10 months has been pure joy. You love so deeply and so passionately your daddy and I can't wait to see what God has for you. Your smile melts hearts, your exuberance draws people, and your love for life is contagious.
The first picture of you we ever laid eyes on.

Your story is unique. There aren't many children adopted that have biological cousins adopted in the same state let alone a neighboring city. We saw your sweet face before we ever knew you'd be our son. Our God is just that big. He knew before the beginning of time.
Your referral picture!
Meeting you, becoming your mommy, daddy and I bringing you home to meet your siblings, truly an amazing journey son.
Watching you.
Learning about you. You've taught us so much about ourselves. So much about loving, caring, and truly walking out what you believe.

As we've gotten to know each other our love has grown deeper and deeper. We can't imagine our lives without you.
You've changed so much.
Learned so many new things.
You learned to swim. 
You were in your uncles wedding.
You were officially a US Citizen.
A lot has happened in ten months. Many milestones. Today, we celebrate another one. Your birthday. The first celebrated birthday you've ever had. You are excited. You've watched each of your siblings celebrate their birthdays, you've waited so patiently. For a week you've been counting down the sleeps til your good morning birthday. Today is your day son. I can't wait for you to wake up. Today we celebrate YOU. Your life. The blessing of YOU.
You adore your big brother. He adores you too.

My prayer for you my sweet son is that you grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, that you seek Him in all you do. That your heart will always desire the things of the Lord and as your mama I commit to teaching you by example and loving you through every struggle, every triumph, and supporting you in your walk through life. I love you sweet boy.
I'm completely humbled today. Humbled in a way only an adoptive parent would understand. God has blessed US with this little boy. My heart aches for what Silas' birth mom will never experience. What his grandmother will never experience. I'm humbled that God entrusted us with this little life. Silas' birth family loved him so much they were willing to give him up for a chance at life. A life they wouldn't be able to witness. That's love. While today is a HUGE celebration of life in our house there is a part of my heart that is hurting. Hurting for another family a half a world away. A heart that is so thankful for a little boy that completes our family. A little boy that has taught us so much in the short time he's been part of our family. A little boy we are all so head over heels in love with. Our little Silas boy.
Silas - your mama loves you. Your daddy loves you. Your siblings love you. Watching you grow and change over the past 10 months has been pure joy. You love so deeply and so passionately your daddy and I can't wait to see what God has for you. Your smile melts hearts, your exuberance draws people, and your love for life is contagious.
The first picture of you we ever laid eyes on.

Your story is unique. There aren't many children adopted that have biological cousins adopted in the same state let alone a neighboring city. We saw your sweet face before we ever knew you'd be our son. Our God is just that big. He knew before the beginning of time.
Your referral picture!
Meeting you, becoming your mommy, daddy and I bringing you home to meet your siblings, truly an amazing journey son.

As we've gotten to know each other our love has grown deeper and deeper. We can't imagine our lives without you.

You were in your uncles wedding.

You were officially a US Citizen.

A lot has happened in ten months. Many milestones. Today, we celebrate another one. Your birthday. The first celebrated birthday you've ever had. You are excited. You've watched each of your siblings celebrate their birthdays, you've waited so patiently. For a week you've been counting down the sleeps til your good morning birthday. Today is your day son. I can't wait for you to wake up. Today we celebrate YOU. Your life. The blessing of YOU.
You adore your big brother. He adores you too.

My prayer for you my sweet son is that you grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, that you seek Him in all you do. That your heart will always desire the things of the Lord and as your mama I commit to teaching you by example and loving you through every struggle, every triumph, and supporting you in your walk through life. I love you sweet boy.
Happy Birthday, Silas!!!!!
Your friend,
Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!
Hey sweet Silas! Happy Birthday!
You're such a cutie and so full of energy... we love you! Have a wonderful birthday!
We love ya'... and all the Shubins. :)
You didn't tell us in the begining of that, that we would need kleenex!!
As I sit here with tears running down my face I am smiling! We love you little Silas so much! We are honored to know you and can't wait to see what God has planned for your life! Enjoy YOUR very special day!! Can't wait to help celebrate it with you!! Love you little man!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY--from Tommy, Aimee, Chris, Nicc, Morgi, Jaxx, and NaNa.
Happy Birthday beautiful boy!! Aww, these pictures and words are so wonderful Erica, he is a blessing!
I wish we could be there to celebrate with you!! Many many hugs and kisses!! Happy Birthday buddy!
Happy Birthday, sweet sweet little boy or should I say big boy now. Enjoy your day and my you be so ever blessed.
Happy Birthday, Silas!! What a great post!!
It is so true he does draw people in, and his smiles and love is contagious. We are so excited to be able to celebrate his birthday this weekend!
Happy Birthday, Silas!
Happy Birthday Silas! What a sweet tribute to your son. You're right... only an adoptive mom would understand the mixed emotions that come with celebrating milestones with our children.
Happy Birthday Sir Silas!! I hope you have a simply fabulous birthday! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you in the years to come!
Happy Birthday sweet Silas!
Happy Birthday to a sweet boy...
Silas is the only child from the HOH that Ryelynn seems to remember anymore.
happy birthday silas!!
Happy Birthday big boy!!
Tears, tears! What a sweet birthday tribute!
I love your heart and how you view your adoption. The pictures made me smile!
Goodness, hes grown so much already! Amazing how much can change in just 10 months!
Silas, we hope you have a perfectly wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday to Silas, what a cutie Pie.............
I agree with Aimee you should have said first get a kleenex. Thanks for the cry. Happy Birthday sweet boy I love you so much.
He is just beautiful!!! kristi
Happy birthday to Silas! Happy tears this morning!
Oh, Erica! Thank you so much for the good wishes on my blog! We can't even begin to express how excited we are to finally hold our first child.
Happy Birthday to Silas! He is precious and so is your entire family. This post had me in tears. So, so sweet
What a beautiful post, Erica. YOu articulated the mixed emotions so well. What you wrote really resonated with me.
Happy Birthday, Silas! You are such a big boy!
Beautiful pictures, Erica & beautiful post!! There is so much we will never know but one thing is for sure...their bfamilies love them so deeply!
Miss ya...stacy
Happy happy birthday sweet Silas! You are quite the little man!!!
What a beautiful post Erica. You are a very blessed mama. Silas is so cute!
He is absolutely gorgeous...but I'm sure you already know that :)
Your trip to Ethiopia sounds amazing. My husband was there as well as Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya in '94. Just happened to be in the wrong place the wrong year when Rwanda fell apart. He has always had a place in his heart for East Africa. I've never been there. We are returning to Mexico hopefully soon. I can relate to your passion and anxiousness to get doing something...the waiting can be hard even if it has a God given purpose. We are also looking into working in Malaysia..not thats something I would never have imagined a year ago. God is always keeping us on our toes. :) I hope you have an amazing trip and some clear direction for the future.
Our two Silas' would make an adorable pair being on opposite ends of the pigment scale. :)
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