So this post is WAY over due but its taken me a bit to get all the pictures in one post and written and all that. So, for your viewing pleasure.......
The whole reason we went to Oregon. The wedding. Davids youngest brother got hitched.
The whole reason we went to Oregon. The wedding. Davids youngest brother got hitched.
All of the kids and David were in the wedding. David comes from a big family. Seven kids, five of whom are now married. Can you say FUN family get togetherness?! Seriously, a blast.
So day of the wedding, everyone looks spiffy, lots of pictures are taken. Nichol was a candle lighter with my niece Trinity, Skyler rolled the runner down the aisle with my nephew Georgie, Olivia was a flower girl with my two nieces Anika and Kyra. Silas was a ring bearer along with Amelia's nephew. They all did a great job! End of the day, we gain a sister, the kids gain an aunt, and everyone lives happily ever after. Now for the super cute pics!
Uncle Michael and Silas - aren't they cute!

Uncle Michael with all of his nieces and nephews. I love all their faces!

Oh my goodness - so many kiddos in one wedding - EEEKSS! A photographer's nightmare (just kidding) I bet it was just a hoot! Thanks for posting them.
10 kids look good on you !! :)
Fun! You guys all look beautiful! You look great for having 10 kids by the way. :)
Love the pics! I'm loving all that hair!!! And most handsome ring bearer INDEED!!!
Super cute pictures, I love the one of Silas alone with his little tux!
I agree that 10 kids is cute on you but oh man the laundry that would create would be icky! Just thinkin' in reality..... :0)
I bet the kids had a blast. Silas' hair looks great! He looks so handsome dressed up.
Good looking family, that's for sure ;) Beautiful pics as always!
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