The kids have gotten a bad case of the summer time lazies! I'll admit we all have a bit. I don't think in the entire 11 years of marriage that David has EVER been off work as long as he has. Don't get me wrong, we love it. He's ready to do some actual work but we love having him around! Its been a little tough on the schedule though, it seems like we're vacationing every day!
TV has become a bit more of an "idol" of sorts in this house. This past weekend we'd had enough. Enough Hannah Montana, enough Drake and Josh, enough Spongebob, enough enough enough! Some less then desireable attitudes were creeping in and we're kind of a cold turkey, boot camp kind of parents so Saturday was it. Gone. The kids didn't know what hit them. Even more reason to say BUH BYE boob tube!
Five days in - LOVE IT! The kids are reading, they are playing well together, they are creative, much more talkative, helpful. AMAZING!
Don't get me wrong, we have great kids. Love them. They really are the best kids around. (yes, I'm a little biased) Everyone needs some perspective at times. David has started a summer reading program with them. They are to read one classic book each week. This week Nichol is reading Wizard of Oz and Skyler is reading Journey To The Center Of The Earth. He's also challenged them to read through the bible in a year which they are excited about.
This gives us lots of time to do all kinds of fun things as a family! Like taking cute pictures of girls in new glasses.

And of course there's always time for swimming when its 111 degrees outside! I've been giving Silas swimming lessons every day and that kid is amazing! He's doing GREAT! He'll be swimming like a pro by the end of the season for sure.

And some sweet little boy likes to lounge!

Its always fun to pile on dad!

Great pictures of the gang in the pool. Looks refreshing!
Good job Shubins. Cute pictures.
Great idea! I'm sure plenty of others will be inpsired by your lead. :)
Good for you! It's amazing what happens when the t.v. is turned off....Life actually happens! Your family looks so happy. Enjoy your summer!
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What a great thing. We stopped having cable tv a while back and our life has been more full as well. It is amazing how much more engaging the kids are. Course the house is more of a mess, but I will take that any day. :)
Awesome idea... I wonder how I can accomplish this one... I'm not sure that we are a cold turkey family.
Good for you girl! Kids adjust easily although it may be rough at first! :) Enjoy all the *newfound* family time! :) Great job Silas on swimming too!
Love the pool pictures! Makes me want to go jump in one right now!!
Ummmm, I am so jealous of the pool right now!! I want to come over and go swimming!! Why don't you inivite me, it's not like I live too far away or anything?? Geez.
Way to go! We haven't owned a TV in over 5 years and it's been one of the best decisions we've ever made. If we did own one I'm sure it would be on 24/7. :)
Glad you are enjoying the summer. Cute pictures!
your pool looks amazing. really. jeaous.
Love the idea. All thru the school year we made the rule no tv but on Fridays-that's when I'd get the majority of my stuff done. That way they never kept asking if and when they could watch cartoons. It is amazing how much better they are and how many things they find to do. Love it!
And darling glasses!!!
If 5 days of no T.V. wins the "meanest parents on the planet" award... I wonder what my parents get for making me grow up w/o a T.V. - that is right no T.V. until I moved out at 18. My roommates had a 2x2 inch screen T.V. and I made up for my 18 years of "missing out" - what a waste of time :).
Way to go...it's the best thing for our family to not even have one. LOVE the pool pics. Ryelynn saw them and started taking off her clothes so she could jump right in.
I just started this too. We are still in school till the 23 of July but I decided no more TV after school- FOREVER! It also has been going good!
Jealous of an outdoor pool but not jealous of 111 F. :)Silas is adorable lounging and the glasses to cute!
I've been trying not to watch much tv myself.Love kids that read!!My daughter always has a book in hand.
I LOVE the glasses!I have to get glasses too.Laser didn't last long on me!?
We're almost there with the no tv rule...I took the littles to the park this morning because they have been just too lethargic this week. I think they are about to meet mean mom next week. Yes, you have to practice piano! Yes, you have to do your workbook pages! Ahh, summer.
Yep - this is awesome. Saturday morning cartoons is when we indulge, but the rest of the week it's outside or read! (or the occasional Wii) :) And your pool....ahhh!!!
may be stealing this one ... we don't watch much TV in summer, but we start our day with, take a nap to it, and watch it before bed ... i could use my 4 getting along better and definitely could use more help around the house ... GREAT IDEA ... i think you should get a I CARE ABOUT MY FAMILY AWARD ... lol
We usually have a little time of total mind-numbing tv and then it gets turned off too. Right now, Sponge Bob is giving me a headache. Maybe we should jump on the Shubin bandwagon sooner than later this summer.
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